Yü■…-•;nsa is moving towards its goal to become a much stronger fashion brand with its logo and slogan renewed in the new era◆◆•. The new slogan of Yü•…★;nsa○•◁▽△,ocean garbage one of the five largest high-segment worsted fabric manufacturers in the world△■◆, is now &lsquo◇●;Creation of Fabrics&rsquo△□▪▷◆;•△-☆◇. The story of the new brand image extends Yü•◆=;nsa'…□□▷▷;s international export success and brand value◁★▲□◆.
Adding value to the most prestigious firms in fashion sector for approximately half a century☆•●◇□,rpet polyesterRPET polyester fibre from bottles interwoven with SEAQUAL YARN. Yü▼◆◆;nsa is now aiming to have a much stronger••▷=☆,sustainable fabric much more fashion-oriented and modern brand identity with its new logo and slogan★•◇. While the Y emblem of Yü▷=;nsa'•○;s in bronze-gold colours is being carried into the international arena☆◆-, it also creates a strong brand identity with the slogan &lsquo□•▽;Creation of Fabrics&rsquo△◇•□;○▼☆▲■.
The new brand identity is formed with 4 main values ▲▽▪◁: a) &lsquo◇▪…;Global&rsquo☆▼; comes from the power to export to more than fifty countries b) &lsquo=◆◆☆…;Premium&rsquo••=; comes from being the high-segment worsted fabric supplier of the most prestigious brands in the world and c) &lsquo▪□…☆;Modern and Creative&rsquo●◇; comes from the ability to interpret new generation technologies to the needs of unique designs…★△. All these values strengthen the brand identity with the slogan &lsquo▪-◆◇;Creation of Fabrics&rsquo◇▪▲;★★◆••.
The shares of Yü▷•☆•;nsa were purchased from Sabanci Holding by Surmegö■▽★▲;z Tekstil□◁★, a Ziraat Participation and Mustafa Sü…○;rmegö■■…;z Partnership▽★•●, last October▼•◆=.