sustainable product-Carrington Textiles announces JV in Asia; growth in Europe

Carrington Textiles▽▪◆, the largest producer of workwear fabrics in the UK…-, and Sapphire Textile Mills▽▲○, a vertically integrated company manufacturing cotton yarn▷○▽-, fabric and home textile products…▲,sustainable product have announced a joint venture (JV) in Pakistan under the name of Carrington Textiles International▷◁. The new venture will have dyeing and finishing operations□○◆▪▼.

Carrington Textiles International will provide up to 20 million metres a year of dyed and white fabric to its global customer base□▼-★○. This will increase Carrington&#39=◆▪•…;s capacity to 130 million square metres a year△•▪.

The joint venture is the start of a series of investments that Carrington Textiles&rsquo▲☆=; parent company□=●, the RTS Group▲▽☆, are implementing across the rest of its production facilities in Europe-○△•▷.

&quot▽▼□○;This new partnership between the two textile giants has been developed after a solid relationship of more than 20 years and offers customers the widest range of woven workwear fabrics○▷•, including cotton rich■▽★…, polyester/cotton●▼, stretch and new sustainable fabrics▼■▽, all manufactured to the highest industrially launderable standards▲★◇○,&quot•=□; Carrington Textiles said in a statement••.

As part of the joint venture▼▼, both companies will combine their strengths in manufacturing▷=•=▽, marketing▽★▲◁○,Recycled Cotton Fabrics. research☆□◆, and development to bring value to the market□★●=. The new production facility□▽▪●■, now in operation■●, has some of the most modern European dyeing and finishing plant and machinery•☆-◆-, including a double width dye range for greater efficiency■◁, the statement said▪☆◁=▽.

&quot■-•○;With the closeness to Sapphire&rsquo…◁◁○•;s existing spinning and weaving operations▲▪□▽,post-consumer plastic as well as to other existing local suppliers◁○▽, this adds to the ability of Carrington Textiles International to provide a vertically integrated manufacturing solution▪▲★, reducing lead times and further enhancing service to customers▪▷…. Finished stock will be warehoused in Lahore▼▽■△, Asia and the South African port of Durban•○◆◆, ensuring the best possible service to all major markets◁○,&quot••; the statement added■■▲.

Following years of working closely with Sapphire as one of our strategic loomstate suppliers□•★▼■, we have made the next logical step together and invested in a new state-of-the-art dyeing and finishing factory in Lahore▪◇. This not only gives us our own European engineered manufacturing plant in Asia•▲■, but it also provides access to a vertical operation△●-=, from spinning through to weaving○◁, dyeing and finishing○•. All of the dyeing and finishing machinery has been specified by our technical experts to meet the exacting standards of the workwear market and we are confident this integration of our supply chains will help to give our customers the best chance to succeed in a challenging and exciting market-…▽, said Carrington Textiles&rsquo=▼•; CEO John Vareldzis•◁★△.

&quot•▪-;Carrington Textiles International is an excellent project we are excited to be part of▪=, and we are pleased our longstanding relationship with Carrington Textiles has developed into this joint venture◆•○,&quot◁■; said Sapphire&rsquo◆•;s COO Nabeel Abdullah◇◆◇▷.

Additionally•…▼•, the RTS Group◆□△○, parent company of Carrington Textiles☆•, and Pincroft Dyeing &amp●□•◆-; Printing in the United Kingdom•△, Melchior Textil GmbH in Germany▽▷▼◁○, MGC in Portugal and Adventum Technologies in Russia•○…, have announced a range of strategic investments to support the continuing development of their global footprint□☆,recycled polymer fibre from a solid manufacturing base and with a strong local presence in key markets=▪▷.

Following the UK&rsquo••–◆;s departure from the EU★△, and despite any real warning of what the shape of Brexit would look like▲-★▪◁, we are pleased that all of our hard work●▼•, planning and preparation has meant that we have been able to continue to supply all of our customers•□. Having put our investment plans on hold until we had greater clarity••-▼○, we are now ready to start investing in two of our manufacturing sites◇…△, Pincroft and MGC=…●…, said Vareldzis•●◁.

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