save the earth-ISPO Textrends announces Cordura fabric winners

ISPO Textrends has announced the names of the winners using Invista&rsquo…▷△=;s Cordura fabrics◇•…. ISPO Textrends is a unique networking platform for sports professionals searching for true innovations and the latest trends◇△☆◆. It is the platform for product managers=▪, designers▲•…○, and media helps discover the latest fabrics for the sports and outdoor branch◆▲▪.
The participants apply with their most innovative products★•◆■, which are reviewed by an international jury of experts◆■▷△. The best entries are then chosen and benefit from several sales and promotional services△▼▷◆•.
Invista&rsquo◇◆▼◁★;s Cordura brand and DuPont Tate &amp▲◇▪□; Lyle Bio Products have been collaborating to create next generation fabrics that bring sustainable solutions to eco-conscious designers who want to live large□◆•▽■, live on the edge●▼▲,RPET polyester fibre from bottles interwoven with SEAQUAL YARN. and Live Durable▪▽★▼. The series combines high-performance durability and bio-based Susterra propanediol coatings and membranes-=★•, inspiring and empowering consumers to embrace a 360-degree durable life while helping to minimise environmental impact◁…◇. ISPO Textrends award-winning Cordura Naturalle X Susterra from Taiwan&rsquo●○▲■=;s Everest Textile is a durable shell fabric with next-generation bio-based membrane performance▲●☆=, according to a press release by Invista◁▷■☆.
The list of winners includes Cordura Eco fabrics from Tiong Liong=○☆, Taiwan▽◆◇▽, woven from recycled polyester resources◇▪=◇☆, offering enhanced resistance to tears and scuffs for modern carry solutions and classic footwear◆▷▷. The next winner is Cordura Ultralite from Huamao▲▪•,oceanworks plastic China and Chia Her▪◆△◁☆,yoga fabric wholesaler Taiwan▪•◁▼. It is super lightweight and strong◁▼▲. These are tough and tenacious water repellent fabrics designed for stylish packability – outerlayer garments or technical backpacks●○▲.
Breathable•=, durable Cordura AFT knit Denver by Tessitura Mifer-☆, Italy also won the award●★○. It was one of the top ten soft equipment winners using a stylish balance of contrasting coloured yarns to deliver a multi-functional classic for bags▽•, packs■▽▲,save the earth and footwear applications●….
Cordura TrueLock fabric from MMI◆▪○■◁, US★▪…▼▲, which is engineered with high tenacity nylon 6●□▼,6 multi-filament fabric that is solution dyed■◆○, offering excellent colour fastness▽☆◇■, also won an award■…••■. It comes with long-lasting colour vibrancy-◆▽•▽, UV-fade○▷, and abrasion resistance▼☆▲▼-. Solution dyeing processes use less water and energy to help leave a lighter footprint on the path to sustainability□■-…☆.

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