headliner material-Domestic fabric shortage in Vietnam textile-garment firms

Vietnam&rsquo▲▽▷=;s underdeveloped fabric production is making it tough for textile and garment companies to reap adequate benefits from free trade agreements▷•◁, including the European Union-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA)▼□=☆. The domestic fabric industry manufactures around 2▲▪□△.3 billion metres of fabric a year▷•○○, meeting only a quarter of the country&rsquo▼●◇;s demand◆◇….
Vietnam imports more than 7 billion metres of fabric material from China■△◇△, Taiwan and South Korea for production and export■☆=. The textile and garment industry exports nearly $40 billion worth of products and requires around 10 billion metres of fabric each year△▼■◆◆.
Domestic materials used by textile and garment businesses in Vietnam comprises only about 40-45 per cent of the total materials☆-▷, according to the ministry of industry and trade●•.
In 2019□▪●,customized fabric Vietnam imported around $13 billion worth of fabric for the textile and garment industry△○△◁. The amount of fabric produced in the country is often used to make low or medium quality apparel…●○◆, and typically does not meet the requirements of exporters▽=○▼, according to a report in a Vietnamese newspaper○◁◁◇■.
According to minister of industry and trade Tran Tuan Anh▷○•…, the country&rsquo★▷•;s production of cotton==▼, fibres and dyes does not satisfy the textile and garment industry&rsquo…◁;s demand▼□□.
Not enough attention is being given to dyeing technology and environmental protection to develop the textile dyeing industry•▲■▷,seaqual mattressheadliner material so businesses are reluctant to invest in textile production or form start-ups in fashion design▪▼▷.
Vietnam&rsquo◆◇=…▷;s textile and garment industry focuses mostly on manufacturing●…•, with low added value…☆◇.
Truong Van Cam•□-◁•, deputy chairman of the Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association△◇…▷, said that due to the lack of fabric materials☆◆, FTA rules of origin make it harder for businesses to use their values▼★◇●★.
Investment in fabric production has faced challenges including a lack of funds and expensive technologies▪▪▽. As a result•=■●□, while the textile and garment industry has seen exports rise over the years…■-▷, imports of fabric materials have also risen△◇-★=.
An investment of around $30 billion is needed for the industry to be able to produce the remaining 8 billion metres of fabric▲▲,210T water resistant recycled nylon fabric manufacturer. according to the association•=▼◇.

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