fabric manufactuer-Morocco requires certificate of conformity for clothing fabrics

Morocco&rsquo•▼;s ministry of industry and trade established a verification of conformity programme in 2020 to certify that industrial products imported comply with regulations for quality and safety□□. Now◁●●, new measures have been announced with a revised list•■■, subject to control abroad=☆☆=□. It includes addition of clothing fabrics to the list○=▼◆, subject to control at origin□▲◆.

Depending on the products○●▽, verification shall take place either at the country of export●•…▽○,seaqual polyester before shipment or at their destination■★◆☆-,fabric manufactuer on arrival of the cargo▲☆•◇○. The list of products requiring a certificate of conformity (CoC) for importation to Morocco has been revised★…•○. The regulation is already in force but importers of clothing fabrics can still bring goods into the country without a CoC until May 7 (date of arrival of the goods in Morocco)…•■, 2022•◇▷▼,Contact us, but the requirements must be fully met afterwards●…, SGS said in a press release▲☆★=.

Clothing fabrics must comply with the technical regulation standards (NM 09▲□▪■.0-●★□.000■◆-△:2018) of Morocco and obtain a CoC before entering the Moroccan market○□. The certificate must be presented upon the goods&rsquo▽■◁◇◇; arrival and is required before the goods can clear customs•☆△◇.

Moroccos ministry of industry and trade established a verification of conformity programme in 2020 to certify that industrial products imported comply with regulations for quality & safety◇-. Now…▽▷, new measures have been announced with a revised list▼■,upcycle plastic subject to control abroad☆◁▪-. It includes addition of clothing fabrics to the list•☆◆▽•, subject to control at origin-▷▪.Regarding industrial products controlled in Morocco○▲•=●, the conformity assessment of products found to be non-compliant following the first control by sampling may be subject to a second analysis at the request of the importer△◆◁. The ministry specifies that this measure will be granted on the condition that it consists of two samples taken from which the test results must be compliant•●☆. Moreover●□…○, if at least one of the two results proves to be non-compliant-▽☆, the goods will not be authorized to access the market△◆.

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