textile importer - Lenzing joins forces with Ruby Mills to fight Covid-19

Lenzing India and Ruby Mills Ltd have come together to present H+ technology for an antiviral▪●□, antibacterial and antifungal fabric=◇□◁. This comes at crucial time when India is facing an increasing number of cases○•△=. H+ technology&rsquo△●▲•◁;s efficacy has been tested and the findings indicate that viruses and microbes won&rsquo•△▼;t survive on surface of the treated fabric=◇◆.Over the past few weeks▷•▽▷, Lenzing and Ruby Mills have invested considerable time to put together a range of sustainable fabrics that has anti-viral and anti-microbial properties and doesn&rsquo☆◇◆▪☆;t compromise on hand-feel★-, breathability &amp●▼; finish which makes H+ technology fabrics unique▷▽•▪. H+ Technology also works across a wide range of pure as well as blended fabrics▽○. H+ Technology with Lenzing Ecovero and Tencel means performance to finish on sustainable fibres▼▪.At the very core of this technology is the active ingredient that kills over 99 per cent of the H1N1 Influenza virus (the family of novel Coronavirus) on contact and provides lasting protection for up to 30 washes★▷, thus ensuring effective protection against transmission of virus○◇◇▲▪.Through this partnership with Ruby Mills▼★, we aim to provide our citizens with the best possible protection through high-quality and sustainable products…○▷☆•. We are working towards breaking the barrier that fabrics and textiles are carriers of diseases and viruses■•, Avinash Mane=◇, commercial head○▼•▪, South Asia□•□•★, Lenzing•=☆, said in a press release◆▽●☆▼.At Lenzing◁●•, we believe in innovation and investment in technology to offer products that are high in performance and yet at the same time are part of the circular economy○▲. Consumers can be rest assured that apparels with the tag of Tencel▼○, Lenzing Ecovero and H+ technology will be safe to wear★◇◇□.Most anti-microbial finishes have significant limitations□■•▲, they become ineffective after multiple washes▼★◆, and they hamper the fabric&rsquo•○;s comfort and hand-feel-▼◆■△. In our continuous pursuit for perfection and quality◁•▼○•, we developed H+ Technology fabrics■▷•, by extending our processing expertise and know-how to ensure that the protection lasts wash after wash and the hand-feel★-…, breathability and colour are not compromised◇▲■△□.We believe our H+ Technology&trade▪=☆◁; fabrics have a wide range of applications across sectors and is significantly superior and most relevant in the times that call for heightened protection in everyday life▼•▷, Rishabh Shah•☆◆=, president=★-, The Ruby Mills Limited▪■…, said…★.Creators of H+ Technology◆◆☆, The Ruby Mills Limited has been one of the most respected vertically integrated textile mills known for fabric quality▽=•□, consistency and innovation since 1917◇▷●. Ruby Mills aimed at enabling customers with H+ Technology and is working on bringing this to the consumers in collaboration with the Lenzing Group★☆◁, an innovation leader▽△…▲, that stands for the ecologically responsible production of specialty fibres made from the renewable raw material wood□•▷•.

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