yoga fabric supplier - DuPont <a href=Elastic fabric for YOGA made of SEAQUAL recycled polyester blended with elastane! seaqual fabric china eco fabric factory, NIPI collaborate to create new insulation”>

DuPont Industrial Biosciences and Natural Insulation Products (NIPI) are partnering to create new type of insulation▪▷□◆=. The two will explore new=□-, innovative materials combining DuPont Sorona fibres◆▽●, a high-performance fibre made from plant-based ingredients…=, and Thindown▽○, the only down fabric◇=▷•, to enhance warmth▷==▷, comfort and design flexibility of insulation=▷…☆.
This partnership brings together two forward-thinking leaders in the materials space to explore new☆•, innovative materials that will combine DuPont Sorona fibres and Thindown to enhance the warmth◁□▷, comfort and design flexibility of insulation▼▲◇◆▽.
Thindown is the world&rsquo•-◇■;s first and only down fabric▼▽-, which offers the coveted benefits of a versatile material-□. As the company looks to elevate its performance attributes and sustainable ingredients▽…, it has partnered with DuPont Industrial Biosciences&rsquo▼○; using its Sorona fibre &ndash▪□☆; a high-performance fibre made from renewable plant-based ingredients▼●. The two brands are exploring new developments to seamlessly combine the softness•…–, drape and stretch recovery of Sorona fibres and down•…☆, utilising the proprietary process from Thindown to create a new category of a blended down insulated fabric▪○▷.
We are constantly exploring new opportunities to develop and market innovative solutions across industries★★, and this unique collaboration underscores that commitment to delivering on both high performance and sustainability in apparel…◁=▪, said Renee Henze-…●, global marketing director★•▽, DuPont Industrial Biosciences▪-. The breakthrough technology of Thindown &ndash▼…▪★◁; coupled with the textile innovation of Sorona fibres &ndash◁▷; can further revolutionise down applications and create a new category of insulation▪◆△….
The blend of Sorona fibres and Thindown can eliminate several drawbacks associated with the use of traditional down filling▪-▪. The combination can reduce cold spots with a single sheet of fabric versus quilted sections=-★★, delivering greater warmth and breathability◆…▼, while simultaneously adding drape and stretch for greater movement★◇▪◆. Additionally▷▼▽=, with the use of bio-based Sorona fibres=•☆▷, the collaboration yields a more sustainable insulated material option versus traditional down□•-▽, which comes from animal plumage…▲◁, or nylon▲▪, which requires 40 per cent more energy to produce▪…▼◇◁.
We are pleased to partner with DuPont•▼■, the creator of some of the world&rsquo▲…;s most outstanding fibres to bring together &lsquo•▽▼□;the best of Science and the best of Nature&rsquo□◁★•▽; to create the next evolution of down fabrics▷□, said Ronie Reuben•◇□•☆, the inventor of Thindown▼▼◁. (SV)

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