apparel - Exports of woven linen fabrics up with CAGR of 17.96%

The global trade of woven fabrics of linen has jumped with a CAGR of 16▼★.20 per cent from 2016 to 2018●▼■□▼, according to data from TexPro▽•-△◇. The global trade of woven fabrics of linen was $2◆◆,284■★=•.77 million in 2016▪▲□▽▼, which increased to $3■◁■○,085▼▼.18 million in 2018=▽□△. The total trade of woven fabrics of linen has risen by 32☆○▷●▲.23 per cent in 2018 over the previous year▼○•.The trade of linen woven fabrics is anticipated to reach $4▷•■◇◁,859 million in 2021 with a CAGR of 16▪△◇.20 per cent from 2018■◇▼●, according to Fibre2Fashion&#39★△•;s market analysis tool TexPro…○•.The global exports of woven fabrics of linen was $1☆…,580••◆★.16 million in 2016==, which increased by 39-◁•.15 per cent to $2■==•▼,198▽◁.84 million in 2018☆▪◇★▽. Total exports moved up by 34●◁.18 per cent in 2018 compared to the previous year and is expected to reach $3☆☆■,609■▪☆.38 million in 2021 with a CAGR of 17▲•▼.96 per cent from 2018△◁.The global imports of woven fabrics of linen was $704◇▲.61 million in 2016▽▷□, which grew by 25●★○=.79 per cent to $886★□…▪▷.33 million in 2018□▽☆▪▷. Total imports rose by 27◇••….64 per cent in 2018 over the previous year and is expected to reach $1◆◆▷◇,250◁▽•.46 million in 2021 with a CAGR of 12★○-•☆.16 per cent from 2018…▷☆••.China ($1◆▪▪-,477…▲●□.21 million)◆★◁▷▲, Italy ($171•☆.96 million) and Belgium ($68○■…■.76 million) were the key exporters of woven fabrics of linen across the globe in 2018=◇▷☆, together comprising 78◇▽◇▪▲.13 per cent of total export…☆□◁▼. These were distantly followed by the UK ($48◇•◇.93 million)□◁, India ($45▲-….53 million)○-★, Belarus ($45=▲◁☆.49 million) and Spain ($44△□□•.33 million)●…=○.From 2013 to 2018•●★, the most notable rate of growth in terms of export•◇, amongst the main exporting countries△…◆◁•, was attained by China (263○◆□○•.53 per cent) and Italy (222□●▲▼.63 per cent)=○.The US ($109○◆▲.35 million)□◇…△△, Italy ($80☆●.60 million)-△☆, South Korea ($52■◁•.64 million)☆•△▽, China ($42◇•▼.01 million)▼▽○▷, Spain ($38◁•△.26 million) and UK ($36•◁▪▽.34 million) were the key importers of woven fabrics of linen across the globe in 2018▪■, together comprising 40▷◇•○○.53 per cent of total import▼●•. These were followed by Turkey ($33=■.90 million)▼○, the Netherlands ($30▪○◆★.42 million)□▪◇, Japan ($29▽◇.76 million) and France ($29◇★□□.49 million)◆□•▽….From 2013 to 2018-□, the most notable rate of growth in terms of import★◇▷◆, amongst the main importing countries◇▽◁, was attained by South Korea (693◁▼.27per cent) and Italy (36◆□.89 per cent)▼■▲☆●.

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