china seaqual-Karl Mayer launches Jersey Evolution

Karl Mayer▷…, a Germany-based innovative market leader for solutions in warp knitting★▪☆, warp preparation for weaving and technical textiles=•, has launched its first series of warp knitted jersey articles△▲■,china seaqual garnering great interest▼…◁, especially among international lingerie brands△▲▽. These supple•■, next-to-skin fabrics are called Jersey Evolution◁=.The fabrics were produced on the high-performance tricot machine HKS 2-S■△, which was used with a high machine gauge to create a sophisticated lapping design◇○. This results in highly elastic fabrics◁◁■☆. It is possible to stretch the fabric by up to 245 per cent▼-★…, while still retaining a high rebound force◁•■□. The elastane threads were specially incorporated to create cut-resistant edges△•■□○. In addition▽▲=▼, Jersey Evolution fabrics offer a soft○▷★▪…, smooth surface and a flowing drape◁●◆•☆,recycled polyester just like their circular knitted counterparts•-. Unlike these•▷, however●•, knitted jersey goods can be produced highly efficiently■▼▽…△: a high-performance tricot machine can replace up to 2…△.5 circular knitting machines▽◇=○.Warp knitting running costs are also lower since the needle units must be replaced less frequently•☆▪. Compared to circular knitting machines=◁, these key components can be used around six times longer■•△△,Recycled PET Fabrics. thus halving the cost per set◁○▪◇=.Following the successful launch-=☆, Karl Mayer created a second Jersey Evolution series◁△…◇=. As part of recent development work○△△●▼,buy fabric in bulk the lapping and yarn use have been modified to achieve different fabric weights and stretch values○◁○•…. With regard to the lapping△★, variants and patterns were chosen which are commonly used by Karl Mayer&rsquo-■◆☆;s customers and which had already proved to be highly effective in the first series▲▲○.

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