china seaqual-Teijin to join Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics show

Teijin Frontier▪◇, Teijin group&#39…★;s fibres and products converting company-■◆☆, has announced that Nantong Teijin□▽▪◁•, the group&#39▷○;s textile manufacturing and sales subsidiary-▪▷★, will participate in Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics &ndash☆▼◇; Autumn Edition 2019•=▷○, one of world&#39△☆◆;s biggest and most comprehensive exhibitions of apparel fabric and accessories●•◆▲•, from September 25-27◆▲★.

In response to growing demand in China▪□▪◁, Nantong Teijin&#39●•…•;s booth (5-2h-e60) will showcase proprietary materials designed mainly for casual wear and sportswear○■□, including lightweight•◇•☆, cool■◆△, ventilated and stretchable materials for jogging pants and shirts□◁▽▲▽, Teijin Frontier in a press release△…◆▼=.

The displays will also feature eco-friendly materials…□•, including partially bio-derived Solotex☆•●☆, a soft and stretchable polytrimethylene terephthalate fibre▽◁, materials using chemically recycled polyester▲=▪…, and fluorocarbon-free durable water-repellent materials△○★◆▽.

Building on its participation in Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics&ndash□○;Autumn Edition 2019○△○, Nantong Teijin looks forward to further expanding its presence and cultivating new customers in the Chinese market in a variety of sectors from sports to fashion□△△▪☆, and to strengthening its relationships with existing customers◆▲▼.

Teijin is a technology-driven global group offering advanced solutions in the areas of environmental value▽□▪▷; safety☆□▪, security and disaster mitigation▷••▪; and demographic change and increased health consciousness△=. Its main fields of operation are high-performance fibres such as aramid■•▽■, carbon fibres &amp□•□; composites▽△△★, healthcare□•○•☆, films▽▪▽★●, resin &amp▽•=●; plastic processing▪◇, polyester fibres★…, products converting and IT◇▽▲■. (PC)

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