corporate wear - Sri Lankas Eravur Fabric Processing Park to start within a year

Production at the Eravur Fabric Processing Park in Batticaloa district will commence within a year☆△▪, according to Sri Lanka&rsquo◁▼◁▪◆;s tourism minister Prasanna Ranatunga◆▪▼◇, who said he had instructed the Board of Investment to take immediate action in this regard◁…=. He recently inspected the construction of the park-•▲▲. Infrastructure development in this export processing zone is under way▪▼□○.
The government plans to set up the garment industry park on a 265 acres in the Eravur Punnakuda area◆•◇.
According to the Board of Investment●▪, this export processing zone comprising 10 factories will create about 5◆■▼,000 direct and a large number of indirect jobs★○, the Board of Investment■▷▲, which manages the internal development and management of the zone■☆□, said•□•.
During his visit to the site★★=•, Ranatunga said investors should be offered the opportunity to build factories alongside infrastructure development•◆▼▽☆, according to Sri Lankan media reports△▲▷.
In contrast to 600 garment factories in the country•△•△, there are only six textile and raw material manufacturing factories◆●★, the minister pointed out☆△-◁▼.
Raw material procurement has turned tougher due to global competition□□. The new textile production park is expected to save around $500 million annually☆★, he said=-.

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