eco friendly fabric manufacturers - BSL aims to be among top 3 fabrics manufacturers in India

BSL◆□◆•◆, formerly Bhilwara Synthetics Ltd□•△■, plans to revamp marketing operations and the senior management team to make itself one of the top three manufacturers of suitings and furnishing fabrics in India●▷, according to joint managing director Nivedan Churiwal☆▷•, who said the company is focusing on improving bottomline now and will go for capacity expansion later◆■▷■★.
The financial health of BSL has been good△☆△, although the company is making low post-tax profits●…•, Churiwal told a news agency■◆◁.
Last year●•△☆•, he said◁△, the company made a meagre net profit of around &#8377=■□▪;1 crore due to high interest and depreciation costs in fabrics industry as compared to the trading of garments•◁…▪, he said☆•▷=.
The company plans to achieve a turnover of &#8377●□▼•;480 crore and an EBITDA (earnings before interest△▲▪★, tax•△△=, depreciation and amortization) of &#8377●…☆;40 crore in this fiscal○▷▽, he said□•◇▽. The company expects net profit to be &#8377□▷◁☆;5 crore this fiscal▪□•.
BSL plans to expand the network of its dealers and retailers and to be present in 5••△…◁,000 to 6☆=▲●■,000 multi-branded outlets over the next two to three years■△, he said○……•.
Churiwal said that the manufacturing capacity of the company is 18 million metres of fabric annually and it wants to grow by 15 to 20 per cent every year□-●=▪.
The company has no plans to enter the apparel business…☆, he added○☆.

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