eco friendly fabric manufacturers - Global trade of chenille fabrics moderately declines

The global trade of chenille fabrics has reported a moderate decline in the year 2019■•▷. The total trade decreased 5◆•◆.24 per cent from $1◆○,906●…•.83 million in 2017 to $1▪◁▷•◇,806…○…◁•.84 million in 2019=-□, according to the data from TexPro▽▲◇. The total trade of chenille fabrics has substantially declined 7▽◇…-.67 per cent in 2019 compared to the previous year▲△▽…◁.Further it anticipated to drop to $1▷▽▲◇,670▽●■.04 million in 2022 with a rate of 7◇●☆.57 per cent from 2019▪•▷◆, according to Fibre2Fashion&#39○▪◇;s market analysis tool TexPro•◇▽.The global export of chenille fabrics was $1△★◆,020▽◁•■•.51 million in 2017▲▽◁, which fell 8◇★▲.17 per cent to $937▪•.13 million in 2019◇▼☆. Total exports were down 8▷■•■●.69 per cent in 2019 over the previous year and is expected to move down to $824◆…☆.66 million in 2022 with a rate of 12…◆=☆.00 per cent from 2019▼☆….The global import value of chenille fabrics was $886▪=☆-.31 million in 2017☆•, which was reduced 1▪•◇=.87 per cent to $869-▲△◆.71 million in 2019△-□. Total imports dropped 6☆=☆○▪.54 per cent in 2019 over the previous year and is expected to plunge to $845▽△….38 million in 2022 with a rate of 2=●▲●•.80 per cent from 2019◁▽△▼○.China ($424☆•-▪•.14 million)□▲•, Turkey ($91=◁.46 million) and Belgium ($56★□▲.47 million) were the key exporters of chenille fabrics across the globe in 2019▪■, together comprising 61•☆▼.04 per cent of total export▲◇. These were followed by US ($47△….52 million)▪■=○, Vietnam ($46◆◆.33 million) and UK ($35-◆●☆.29 million)•…•.US ($165▽★▼.75 million)▷○▪■, Vietnam ($114=▪-.69 million) and UK ($92▪△.19 million) were the key importers of chenille fabrics across the globe in 2019○■▷○, together comprising 42•=●▪.84 per cent of total import▲▲. These were followed by Poland ($53-◁.40 million)•△○▪, Germany ($35▲••.63 million) and Philippines ($31▽▲★•-.98 million)○…▼.From 2016 to 2019▪▪◁△, the most notable rate of growth in terms of export value-=…◆, amongst the main importing countries▲▷☆, was attained by Vietnam (43△▽◁△.31 per cent) and US (19…★•▽….78 per cent)…■.

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