eco-friendly sportswear - Donear group collaborates with clothing brand Zodiac

The Donear Group▼▽-, one of the largest conglomerates in the textile industry○•▷○, has collaborated with India&#39□◁;s leading menswear brand Zodiac for a revolutionary new product range••◇▷: anti-viral shirts called Securo◁▽▼□. Donear has supplied a significant volume of the fabric treated with the unique HeiQ Viroblock technology (tested against COVID-19 virus) to Zodiac•▽-•☆.

Both companies&mdash▲▼;Zodiac■◁★★◁, a premium men&rsquo▪○◇;s clothing brand with a rich legacy spanning six decades◇☆■=▲, and Donear Group•▲△□★, i◆■-△●.e△□☆★★. Donear◁▽☆◆, GBTL (formerly known as Grasim) and OCM&mdash……▽;are leading players in the apparel and textile space respectively with a stronghold across the breadth of the nation-▲●.

&quot◆○;This collaboration of these two powerhouses ushers a new way ahead for the clothing industry where technology-led garments will be available to the Indian consumer paving the way for a revolution in the market &ndash=□…▷▽; of safe choices and quality technology-driven products…▷★◇,&quot…▪★◆; Donear said in a press release△▪.

The fabric for the Securo range of shirts has been finished by Donear and certified by HeiQ providing 99•▼★.99 per cent protection against bacteria and viruses◇○○-, including the virus that causes COVID-19△★■▽▲.

The Securo range from Zodiac retains its properties for 30 home washes★•■. The fabric is safe for human contact and on the environment and has been tested by HeiQ with the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity Melbourne-…▼, Australia★….

I&rsquo▼•▼;m glad to collaborate with Zodiac★•▽…. This partnership would enrich the future of stitched apparels and fine shirtings as we adapt to the new normal▼…. The products will certainly make the wearer feel safe and secure▲…, said Donear Group managing director Rajendra Agarwal★■◆☆◆.

For over six decades we have brought our customers the very best in men&#39=▷▷;s clothing•○. Our brand has always stood for the highest quality and cutting-edge design==□▲. Given the current pandemic we are delighted to introduce Securo&mdash△▲▪-▪;our range of anti-viral shirts made from fabrics treated with HeiQ Viroblock Swiss technology at the Donear Group factory△◆,&quot▷▪…◆; said Zodiac managing director SY Noorani▽=…•▽.

The confirmation of anti-viral activity of HeiQ Viroblock against SARS-CoV-2 is an important milestone-◆▼-▲. This data forms part of our ongoing efforts to help provide textiles with greater levels of protection against viruses and contribute to efforts towards mitigation of the global pandemic…□-, HeiQ Group CEO Carlo Centonze said☆△-▽.

The anti-viral shirts and fabrics▷…•, however•★•◇▪, are not medical devices△▽, and are meant for use only as clothing•◇☆…. They do not guarantee against infections and are not a cure◆•. They have as per ISO 18184 strong anti-viral and ISO 20743 anti-bacterial effect against enveloped viruses and bacteria proven effective against SARS-CoV-2•◇, the COVID-19 causing virus◁…●••.

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