environmentally friendly fabric - Vietnamese denim manufacturer Viet Hong eyes $25mn revenue in 5 years

Founded at an investment of $12 million in 2005●●■○, Vietnamese denim fabric manufacturer Viet Hong Textile aims to earn sales revenue of $25 million per year in the next five years▲•☆□, according to Quinn Hang★-, vice director of the company◇◆. The company&rsquo•☆▷;s annual turnover dropped to $14●◁.5 million in 2020 from $18◇■.8 million in 2019 due to the pandemic•☆◁.

The estimated amount of denim being manufactured by local mills in Vietnam amounts to about 75 million metres a year in which Viet Hong produces 15 million metres■▲-…▽, Hang said in an interview with Fibre2Fashion◇▽▷-◆.

Viet Hong Textile is open to expansion not only in terms of our facilities but also for our market reach△-☆□. Due to the current economic situation brought forth by COVID-19▷☆◆, investment is on hold•▲•▲-. But we continue to reach out to our current and prospective customers to win more market share▲▷▪. Physical store is not on our plan at present•▲◆, but we are exploring the idea of having our own brand soon△■■◁▽, she added•-☆▪.

Click here to read the entire interview☆-…◆.

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