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Original title: How does China apply? In the Middle East, we have a good experience in Saudi▼•, Saudi, Saudi▲■, Shata◆•◁, with your fingers, dont stop your mobile phone screen, and explain a mobile phone app (application) from time to time. With Selfie show, she has become a well-known “net red” girl in Saudi, sitting on 1.5 million fans▷▷★. The objects that can appear in her program are not small▪☆. In this video, she introduced a mobile game that was popular in Saudi – “The Revenge of Sudan•▷”, the reading volume reached nearly million. The developer of this game from China. The game “It feels great! Design…▼•, form is very interesting.” 26-year-old Saudi•▷=…, Muhammad Harley evaluation. He is the faithful fan of this game•◁■, and he is also the moderator of the game local foru•◁.

Original title☆=◁☆: Many government officials in Xian have the words -●○”shop small two” and other words, entrepreneurs: very touched “Xian in memory is a famous cultural ancient capital, after 10 years, I came to Xian again, I feel strong in Xian. Vitality, it is amazed. …▽”Chen Guorong, Chairman and President of the China Tourism Hotel Industry Association, Chen Guorong, said in an interview with a reporter last night. “This time I came to Xian▼△……, I feel that the Xian urban pattern is even more atmospheric, and the plan is more leveling. The citys order is in order, and the attitude of urban manager is also very rigorous●…◇▪.☆◁★-” Chen Guorong said that he was touched that when the exchange of business cards-▪…●, the famous ••”shop small two” “Golden Medal Merchants” was printed on the business card, which made himself ◆…=☆”. This made him very surprised. “I have been doing tourism in 30 years◁○, I have been self-proclaime.

The original title Xi Jinping: The rule of law is the basic content of the leading cadres in the level of leading cadres at all levels [Xi Jinping: Yangtze River Economic Branch to develop science, green, sustainable] On the morning of the 10th, the Chongqing delegation Tang Liangzhi representative said that when the speech was considered, it is necessary to strictly fall in practice. The secretary on the requirements of the Yangtze River Economic Belt “Sharing the Protection, Dont Gold Development”, and build an important ecological barrier upstream of the Yangtze River. Xi Jinping emphasizes that if the Yangtze River economy is developing•=•, the following enthusiasm will be high, the investment driver will be very strong●▷, one, and finally damage is an ecological environment…▷◁. In the past■●, there have been some places to run★□, and even disorderly develop•◆◁△, illegal excavation★=○, fishing, transportation, shorelines are randomly occupied●■, if so••▲▲, the so-called Yangtze River economy belt will become a ◁◁”construction Big damage☆-. So I emphasiz.

Chengdu TV reporter: As of 2016◇△, the special teacher of all kinds of schools at all levels of the country is 157018 people, facing the problem of solving quality, and how will we solve the problem of developing the development of teachers, from which faces New era new teacher talent•◁? Chen Baosheng: Normal education is very important▽…. Education This industry is an industry that operates in the future■▼■. Why do you talk about it, because the talents we provide is the future talents•◆◁, and cultivate talents in the future, so in essence is the future-◇, it is uncertain, it can expect, but he is uncertain, this needs, People who produce talents in the future must be high=▽▲. Chen Baosheng: From the total quantity, there must be a grand team☆…☆□, a team of teachers who have great revival services in the Chinese nation◆…●. Existing teachers contin.

Original title: Another cross-strait channel? “Liu Zhuan◆…” Shanghai debut reaffirmed the “Journal of Jiuyi” [Global Times, Special Reporter Yin Yan] The Director of the National Taiwan Affairs Office▽△, Liu Jie met with the Kuomintang President, New North Mayor Zhu Lilun. This is also the first public meeting to see the local officials from Taiwan. ▷◁”Liu Zhuhui○•■▲” Shanghai debut, triggered the high concern in the island. Former Taipei County Chang Zhou Xiyan commented that “Liu Zhishui” did not losing a key to cross-strait. In the Ministry of Democratic Party hidden the key of the two sides, Ke Wenzhe also lifted the key because of the election◇□, Zhu Lilun took the key to open the door●-, “very smart”△○▼. I met about 50 minutes□◆, according to Taiwans “Joint Evening News■□▪” reported on the 26th, “Liu Zhuan” welcomes the Shanghai Hongqiao on the same da? waterproof coveralls export import js export import js – waterproof coveralls upholstery fabric eco-conscious fabric!

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