fabric company - Drirelease unveils new Digital Fabric Catalog

A pioneer of textile technology▷○, Drirelease•□•, has launched the Digital Fabric Catalog■=□▼. Inspired by nature and beauty◇△▷•★, Drirelease fabrics instil a sense of comfort giving natural and inherent benefits■■, using no chemical performance treatments▼◇=-. The engineered blend of fibres optimises the wicking△◇, drying☆★•, soft feel▷-□, and comfort of all fabrics=○•■, naturally=-…•◆.
One can access the Drirelease Digital Fabric Catalog from anyplace=▽◆★, anytime▼☆◁△▪. We can select the fabrics we like and request swatches to help in creating your next line•◆. The catalogue contains a wide variety of Drirelease blends▷▪★, constructions□▲▲▽•, textures☆•△=, and aesthetics from mill partners around the world…◇•□. We can select the fabrics we like and request swatches via email referencing their catalogue number☆•▼=▲, according to a press release by Performance Days•▪▲□△.
An innovative technology that lets you move more comfortably☆■◇★■, the special Multi-denier and Multi-staple length fibres of Drirelease provide the ideal balance of performance and natural feel□•. The unique blend accelerates the water release rate of fabrics-◁■□▷, pushing water and perspiration through to the outside of the garment into the air and offers a natural aesthetic unmatched among performance textiles▽△.

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