fabric made of plastic - UKs Carrington to show sustainable tech for textiles at Techtextil

Being the first textile manufacturer to use biodegradable technology to produce workwear fabrics▲–•▪, Carrington Textiles has announced its focus on the promotion of a new sustainable technology for textiles at Techtextil◇•▽○. The global workwear fabric manufacturer will also promote Orca and Hawksbill○●▪●▽, as well as its latest flame retardant addition◁■==▼, Flamestat 250…★▲.

Recently launched during the &lsquo◇▼◆▲;Weaving Sustainability into our Fabrics&rsquo★★; campaign▷▪☆, where the company released their newest fabrics Constance 210-△,fabric made of plastic Balaton 255•▲▷, Kielder 185…☆, Delamere (210 &amp▪▼; 245)•◆, and Rivington (205 &amp▼◆☆□; 220)□▪□-, Carrington Textiles&rsquo…□▼☆; Orca and Hawksbill stand out for their addition of the new CiCLO fibre=★●=.

Being the first textile manufacturer to use biodegradable technology to produce workwear fabrics▼△, Carrington Textiles has announced its focus on the promotion of a new sustainable technology for textiles at Techtextil•□◁. The global workwear fabric manufacturer will also promote Orca and Hawksbill☆▲◆•, as well as its latest flame retardant addition•★•, Flamestat 250□▽.The CiCLO technology is a sustainable textiles ingredient in the form of an additive that is combined with polyester at the very beginning of the fibre making process△•…▪. When CiCLO polyester ends up in the environment either through washing or end of life of the garment△•, it behaves like natural fibres▼△▽○, in turn reducing microplastic pollution and textile accumulation☆-▪▪, the company said in a press release=■◇●▷.

Hawksbill&rsquo◆▼○◁▷;s composition includes 65 per cent CiCLO polyester and 35 per cent organic cotton•■◇. While Orca incorporates 26 per cent recycled CiCLO polyester▽○•, 29 per cent virgin CiCLO polyester and 35 per cent Better Cotton◁■=. Hawksbill and Orca are the sustainable alternative to the company&rsquo◆■;s bestselling fabric●•▼●, Tomboy◁◇◁•-.

These two fabrics are made following Carrington Textiles&rsquo□◆▲; usual rigorous quality standards▽◆◆▪☆, so they not only offer the best performance and durability to the end user☆•■▲■, but also greatly reduce their impact on the environment when the life of the garment comes to an end◁…•…●.

It&rsquo▪●;s great to be able to attend exhibitions once again◁◇▷-. We have invested a great deal of resources into R&amp◁▽•…★;D to bring these sustainable fabrics to market and have already had excellent feedback from customers and partners◇-▪. We are delighted to be showing them face to face to customers and all those interested at Techtextil==•○▽, Carrington Textiles&rsquo•◁◁; managing director Neil Davey•◁○•▷, said★=•▽◇.

Flamestat 250 gsm◇□▼◇, a new member of the Flamestat family▽=-★, is guaranteed to last the lifetime of the garment due to its robust construction●☆. With 75 per cent cotton•◁, 24 per cent polyester and 1 per cent antistatic=◆◇•, this fabric&rsquo……◆★;s flame retardancy is to the standards EN ISO 11612▼▽◆, EN ISO 14116 index 3 and EN ISO 11611…■■■□; while its antistatic properties are to the EN ISO 1149-3-5 standard▪…•◇.

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