fashion clothing-Isko launches denim fur programme, Isko Wild

Isko has launched Isko Wild○○◁, its latest achievement and the first-in-the-world denim fur programme…■◇△▲, set to impress the industry and revolutionise fashion▽▽…◇▪. Resulting from Isko&#39▪=△◆▪;s Responsible Innovation approach based on creativity==◁-, competence▷■○,apparel textiles and citizenship▪☆•=, Isko Wild reflects the company&#39●▼▼◁●;s commitment to making both the world and the industry better•☆●◇.The Isko Wild technology does not harm animals▷■=◆•, nor does it destroy their home▼●. Unlike other imitation furs▷☆◁★,RPET polyester fibre from bottles interwoven with SEAQUAL YARN. it does not release micro plastics into the environment…-△○●.With the claim to inspire and delight the fashion world•☆-▽, stakes are high□▷, but the concept is a real hit for it represents the perfect combination of glamorous fashion and conscious responsibility▷◆▷★. Despite attempts of imitations Isko Wild is a one-of-a-kind concept in the industry◆□★▪. Available in both Indigo and RFD•==,fashion clothing featuring cotton and cotton wool blends▲○▲-, this product stands out from a quality◆=▲,textile business look and performance standpoint•◁□.Isko●▼★, the leading ingredient brand on a global level▪▪▼◆, is the first denim producer in the world to be recognised with the Nordic Swan and EU Ecolabel certifications-▲□=…. The company has a production capacity of 300 million meters of fabric per year with 2▪•,000 high-tech automated looms◆△▼. Isko has a global presence with offices in 35 countries◇•▲◇=, and is part of Sanko Tekstil□-▽-, the textiles division of the Sanko Group-★….

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