fashion clothing-RIL partners with Vardhman for innovative R-Elan fabric

Reliance Industries Ltd◇◁★•▪. (RIL) has partnered with Vardhman Textiles Ltd□▼●○.△▲, one of the largest textile companies in India◁○●■,PLAY VIDEOpost-consumer polyesterfashion clothing to manufacture innovative RElan fabric◁◇□▷. As a part of this engagement○◇, RIL&rsquo▪▼△=;s RElan technical team will work closely with Vardhman to develop a variety of new manufacturing processes to manufacture specially engineered RElan fabrics▽■□.

RElan•☆★, the new-age fabric brand from Reliance●▽, is growing from strength to strength with the tie up with Vardhman◁◇▪. The innovative high-quality fabric collection will straddle across the performance and sustainable themes in formals◇●☆, casuals and other women wear segments○•△○=. RElan technical team will provide the technical knowhow=-, specifications and parameters to ensure the best quality fabric is produced…◁.

&quot▪▼;We see many exciting possibilities with RElan to create new fabric developments◁▷■. Our strengths have always been rapid innovation and creating strong product ranges that are acceptable to brands◇◆◆◇▼, and Reliance is the perfect partner for our developments•▼◆■…. The technical team at RElan is very supportive in enhancing our manufacturing prowess•▪▪☆•,&quot○▪•△…; Suchita Jain▷●-, joint managing director•▽, Vardhman said while signing the agreement○■=△◇.

&quot•◇■;We are proud to be associated with the leading player Vardhman for RElan▼…□▪◇. We will work together to ensure the consumer&rsquo-…;s growing demand for high-quality performance and sustainable apparel is met with RElan-=-. This partnership further emphasises our focus on creating opportunities for entire textile value chain○◇□●, including brands and apparel manufactures▪☆=▪,&quot●●▲★; Gunjan Sharma▼▷◁, CMO &ndash☆-=•; polyester division□▽, RIL••,together for a clean ocean said▼◇□△◇.

RIL has partnered with more than 30 players that are equipped to produce new-age fabrics using RElan technologies△●★•. This strong pan-India network of the Hub Excellence Partners (HEP) will provide assurance to brands/retailers of streamlined production○▲, timelines and standard quality■◁○◆. These partners will also receive assistance for technical●=◁, leads and new product development needs△▼…▽, RIL said in a press release▪☆=★.

RElan products will thus provide consumers next generation fabrics that are in line with the latest fashion trends while also fulfilling their lifestyle needs◇◇. RIL&rsquo▽…●;s efforts will give consumers the assurance that if there is RElan on the outside□●…□○, there is something special on the inside▼●•. (RR)

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