footwear - Global cotton woven fabric exports declining since 2013

The global trade of cotton woven fabrics has been declining since 2013 with a considerable CAGR (compound annual growth rate)●★, according to data from TexPro•=. The global trade of cotton woven fabrics was $26▷•.93 billion in 2016 and dropped to $26☆•△■.60 billion in 2018 declining by 1…•■.23 per cent△▼△●, according to Fibre2Fashion&#39▪•◆▼△;s market analysis tool TexPro☆★□■.The total trade slipped by 0=…□.04 per cent in 2018 over the previous year★•▽▪▷. It is anticipated to reach $26○▲.11 billion in 2021 with a CAGR of 0★▽◇△▷.62 per cent from 2018□□.In value terms◁•, China ($13•◇…….53 billion)○▷▲★◆, Pakistan ($2○-=.18 billion)•…, India ($1△●▲▲.83 billion)=•▷▼, and Italy ($1=▽.17 billion) were the key exporters of cotton woven fabrics across the globe in 2018◆☆•▷, together comprising 70■▷◁▲.35 per cent of total export▼…◁. These were followed by Turkey ($0◆○○==.98 billion)▷◇▽◁○, Hong Kong ($0▲●▽◇△.82 billion)-●▽▲•, and Germany ($0=•△….74 billion)★★★△.From 2013 to 2018-•, the most notable rate of growth in terms of export▷▼…, amongst the main exporting countries■☆▼, was attained by India (8☆▼•◆△.50 per cent)…▽◇-△.In value terms□○•▽=, China ($864▼★.50 million)□=□◆, Indonesia ($849◁▲◇.08 million)□=☆, Hong Kong ($754●=◆▪.37 million)★◁□, US ($740=○.49 million)▲•□, Italy ($698△=.01 million) and Germany ($575-=▼▷•.92 million) were the key importers of cotton woven fabrics across the globe in 2018●○▼, together comprising 34▼◆.68 per cent of total import▼◁•▪. These were followed by Mexico ($395•○▲▼.12 million)◆☆◆, Sri Lanka ($387○■□.28 million) and Turkey ($332◁▪☆–.65 million)○•▪▽.From 2013 to 2018=•▽, the most notable rate of growth in terms of import◆•◆▪•, amongst the main importing countries■◇☆○-, was attained by Mexico (3•▷=○.06 per cent) and Sri Lanka (27•-.03 per cent)==▽.

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