furniture designers-Ikat artisans from across the world gather in Jakarta

Artisans●△◇▷■, textile experts and ikat (traditional woven fabric) lovers last week gathered in Jakarta for the three-day 2019 World Ikat Textiles Symposium (WITS)–. The opening ceremony on August 23 was officiated by Mufidah Jusuf Kalla□…-△●, wife of Indonesian vice president Jusuf Kalla△▷◇△▷. WITS has been hosted by the United Kingdom□•, India▷■, Malaysia and Thailand before■◁◁◆.
Organised by the World Crafts Council-Asia Pacific Region☆△-□, the Jakarta event involved the ASEAN Handicraft Promotion and Development Association (AHPADA)◆…■▲-, Jakarta Textile Museum□◆☆□☆, Noesa▷▲, Indonesia for Natural Dye (Warlami)▽•☆□, Indonesia Traditional Fabric Association (Perkumpulan Wastra Indonesia) and the Indonesia Handicraft Exporter and Producer Association (ASEPHI)◇◁□==.
Participants came from India▪△☆,fabric company Thailand△★■▽★, the Philippines▲▷△◁=,furniture designers Malaysia•☆, Uzbekhistan-◁▪…★,RPET polyester fibre from bottles interwoven with SEAQUAL YARN! Timor Leste○☆◆, France and Mexico◆◆◇○▼,textile factory according to a report in an Indonesian newspaper☆★.
Experts◇=•…, artisans and activists spoke on efforts to protect the authenticity of ikat to innovations to make ikat more appealing to the younger generation◁▲▷●. (DS)

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