green fabric - Neo Tech partners HeiQ to power up anti-viral fabrics

Neo Tech▽▷, a part of the Donear Group▪▲, has partnered with Swiss company HeiQ to power up its suiting and worsted fabrics with an intelligent textile technology&mdash•■□○▪;HeiQ Viroblock NPJ03-△▲, which is among the first textile technologies in the world to be proven and certified effective against SARS-CoV-2…•▼■●, the strain of coronavirus that causesCOVID-19•…★△◆.

HeiQ creates some of the most effective■•◆☆☆, durable and high-performance textile effects in the market today▷○, which lasts upto 30 washes◆▲◇★○. Tests conducted by HeiQ on HeiQ Viroblock NPJ03 in Melbourne showed that treated fabric achieved 99●●.99 per cent reduction of the virus-△.

The research project involved a disinfection test protocol simulating real-life interaction of small aerosol droplets contaminating clothing with a known concentration of SARS-CoV-2 virus•••▼○. The virus was contacted with the sample fabric for a few minutes followed by measurement of remaining infectious SARS-CoV-2 viruses◆=▽.

When the fabric sample was treated with HeiQ Viroblock NPJ03●▲▲□, no infective viruses were left after a few minutes and the result indicated aSARS-CoV-2 virus reduction of 99◆▲★▪.99 per centrelative to the inoculum control□●.

&quot▷★▲;Being market leaders in the suitings space◇▲, the Donear Group has endeavored and perfected the touch and feel of this fabric which continues to remain as is pre and post the treatment△□. The selvedge with Neo Tech antiviral fabrics will become a seal of safety and protection for the times to come☆•●◆▪,&quot…★•; a Donear Group press release said△▽●.

The Group is very confident that the combined power of Neo Tech and HeiQ Viroblock will prove to be a game-changer for the Indian textile industry▷▼▽=, especially in the performance fabrics category▼▼.

The confirmation of antiviral activity of HeiQ Viroblock against SARS-CoV-2 is an important milestone▼▼◁. This data forms part of our ongoing efforts to help provide textiles with greater levels of protection against viruses and contribute to efforts towards mitigation of the global pandemic▼■…☆. We are delighted to partner with the prestigious Donear Group and to extend our joint products in the Indian sub-continent▷▪◇-◆. Neo Tech is a highly advanced fashion-tech developed by Donear group and we are sure that we will be exchanging lots of notes between us▼•□,&quot=☆▼◆○; said HeiQ Group CEO Carlo Centonze▼◇△▷●.

&quot▲▪▽☆;What sets our product apart is that it kills the viruses and microbes within minutes▽●…▼, thereby reducing the risk of contamination drastically=◆. The product has been tested and certified by various world-renowned labs including the prestigious ISO 18184 rapid test△……○◇,&quot◆▽■; Centonze added■…◇▪.

We have always wanted to extend our forte in poly viscose and worsted fabrics &ndash▲▼=○▼; be it for trousers☆●-△, jackets or suits-…▷=. This partnership has added another feather in our cap for breakthrough technology with anti-corona fabrics that shows its effects within minutes rather than hours=○=! I strongly believe that the antiviral fabrics will boost our established group turnover (of &#8377-▪○;1300 crore) by at least 15 per cent★☆•■, said Donear Group MD Rajendra Agarwal-◁. green fabric SEAQUAL FABRIC 300D GREIGE FOR APPAREL AND ACCESSORIES FROM OCEAN PLASTIC.

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