headliner fabric - Isko displays Isko Arquas 5.0 fabrics at Performance Days

Isko▼=☆-☆, the world&rsquo•=▼○;s leading producer of premium quality denim•◆, displayed the new Isko Arquas 5★▼-.0•△•…◁, the latest generation of its innovative fabric collection for performance and outdoor apparel■□-, at the Performance Days expo◆◁☆▽▼, in booth C18+C19▽…◁=-, hall C1○◇▷△◁. The functional fabric fair for sports textiles was held on November 28 and 29☆…◇…, 2018•△▷, in Munich▽▼★◆•, Germany◁☆….
From its very creation●=, the Isko Arquas platform has been bending the rules of fashion•□●, activewear and outdoor with its performance-focused innovative fabrics□-. Greatly influenced by Isko&rsquo-△◁;s expertise in woven technologies▽□, in addition to current sports and active apparel innovation…=•, Isko Arquas includes unique textile concepts created to become the essential ingredients for the sportswear and activewear industries■, according to Isko•▲□.
With the release of the Isko Arquas 5=■△.0◆▼▷-, the bar has been raised again=◇◇▽●. To demonstrate the different potential end uses of these cross-functional fabrics□■, Isko created five main categories◁■, underlining many different applications▲=□. This way◆=•□▷, designers and buyers can appreciate the huge potential of the platform▲▲△◆.
Active fabrics are suitable for almost all sports from yoga to fitness to running○•□•◁, whether at high or low impact•☆○. They perfectly fulfil the technical requirements of the athleisure and performance-wear markets○▷▽◁▼.
Outdoor fabrics include outdoor clothing which protect the wearer from the elements of nature while on the mountain or the water▲◆▽○. Therefore●○●, there are extraordinary demands on comfort•▽, durability▲…◇•☆, waterproofness and breathability•◆◆, which make the fabrics ideal for hiking and trekking in any weather◁▽•▲….
Hybrid fabrics combine technical performance features with a street-wear attitude◁●■. Versatile layers that help you to stay warm and dry in cold weather△□. Water-repellent jackets•★▷○, windproof hoodies-…▽, and jogging pants that can look good on your camping trip or on the way to work◇□-□◆.
Golf fabrics are used for the perfect golf swing□◆●☆…, with maximum mobility★▼…▲◆. These fabrics offer outstanding quality for comfort and athletic performance△▽◇•. With the patented woven technology…●◁, one can have freedom of movement for optimum performance and luxury on and off the course…▷▽★.
Horse riding fabrics provide extreme agility required to be one with the horse☆▽-. These fabrics offer the durability…▽★,headliner fabric comfort and maximum flexibility needed▼☆. They create a new era for the contemporary equestrian who is looking for fashion●=…●◁, fit▷◆▲••, performance◇=■▼, and style•■◁◇●.
Countless Isko technologies▼□, already a benchmark in the world of denim□…◁, are to be found in the Isko Arquas platform•=•, each selected to bring specific benefits▽☆. Among these○◇□▽•, Isko Blue Skin enables unrivalled freedom of movement thanks to its 4-way stretch technology•☆●. Durable and comfortable•○-, Isko Blue Skin features 3D shaping technology and holding power for a slimmer▲▷=…, toned look with superb shape recovery…◇.
The platform includes fabrics with performance properties such as wind protection▲◇-, water repellency-△◁, and UV protection●▼. Stain repellency•◆◁, antibacterial••□=▷, and anti-odour characteristics are featured as well◆▷○★. The latest high-performance finish powered by Isko▷••●□,SEAQUAL Fabrics, Isko Ultradry▲•◆○○, ensures that moisture levels against the skin are kept to a minimum and also encourages speedy surface evaporation▷=○=. (GK)

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