interior specifiers - Bangladeshs Z&Z launches corona block fabric

Bangladesh&rsquo□◁;s Zaber and Zubair Fabrics Ltd (Z&amp▷□;Z)=…-●, a unit of the Noman Group★▼▪-▲, recently claimed to have developed a new fabric called &lsquo•○★▪●;corona block fabric&rsquo▽☆; with the help of biocidal and virucidal treatment that could kill coronavirus within 120 seconds with the precision of 99◆▲■☆.9 per cent=•. The company was backed by two Swiss partners in the development▲●…☆△.
The fabric was invented with the help of some chemical ingredients registered under the United States Toxic Substances Control Act and the Environmental Protection Agency▪▼…□, senior company officials told a press conference△◇●.
Z&amp●-★◆▽;Z brand manager Anol Rayhan said the treatment of the fabric had been tested and validated under the test norm ISO 18184 and had regulatory coverage▽▷▷□, according to Bangla media reports▼▽■◁.
The company has already started sending the fabric to its buyers in the United States and European Union◆△, he was quoted as saying○•.
Domestic consumers can buy the product from Blue Jens…○, the company&rsquo-☆▪;s online shop–, from next month and the prices would be 20 per cent higher than routine products◇•-.
The fabric is wash durable△◁, soft and breathable in 100 per cent cotton and blends-■-■…, and safe for skin-□▽◁…. For PPE fabrics▷-, it is solvent and fluid repellent in 100 per cent polyester composition◇▼, has high tensile and tear strength and is wash durable up to 20 washes△□.

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