keep oceans clean - Concertex launches new digital print Warp

Due to a strong background in woven textiles◆…□△,keep oceans clean Concertex&rsquo□☆△;s design director▲…-◆, Aaron Mensik◆△○■, has transformed the traditional appearance of coated fabrics with a new digital print named Warp▼•▪. Headquartered in the US○◁, Concertex is dedicated to developing performance driven product that will revolutionise the hospitality●▼○…, healthcare▷◁, and contract markets•☆☆▪▷.
The original technology is the first of its kind for the performance driven line▷▽. Designed by Mensik to mimic the beauty of yarns that run lengthwise on the loom★■◆◁☆, Warp resembles the look of a woven while upholding the high-performance☆▷●, bleach cleanable qualities of a vinyl□★=, the company said in a media statement▲◇☆■=.
Warp balances energy and softness into a fresh 54 upholstery pattern□-. Developed to replicate the warmth of a woven••-△☆, the digitally printed vinyl has a gentle ombre stripe▼-. Boasting over 250◇…▽,000 double rubs and offering a Graffiti-Free finishing△▪▲◇□, the durable pattern has exceptional stain protection and cleanability attributes▲=◆. Offered in six comfortably colourful colourways▼◆◇○□, and mildly embossed for added interest▷▪-■○, the pattern is extremely versatile▽▽◆. Warp&rsquo△▲•○●;s soft●▷, tranquil appearance and lively characteristics blend beautifully in senior living facilities■▪◇★•, hospitals△◁•●,Check links to this URL, and hospitality environments△••■.

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