litter in the ocean - Italian Converter to celebrate 25 years with PV

At Premi&egrave☆▲▽◆;re Vision (PV) Paris to be held from September 17-19□◁○◁, Italian Converter△■=, a manufacturer of fabrics for footwear◆•…■, leather goods◆-☆○, clothing★▪◁•, etc◁-, will celebrate its 25th anniversary and present ECO Kosmos▽◁, a cross-collection…◁=, a brand-new &#39△□☆▼;green line range&#39▪▷★; shining a light on the company&#39=▼●…;s responsible path and unique &#39••◇□•;blend&#39•▪•◇•; for fashion of tomorrow○-.

&#39■▷▲;The soul of sustainable fashion is an alchemy▪=…▼, a combined commitment and an act of responsibility&#39=•■△; &ndash□•;will be the motto embossed in the collections and the values of Italian Converter◁△▽, according to a press release by the company▲▼•. The acronym ECO stands for Ecologic☆◆◁, Conversion◁○◆◆□, Optimisation■▷○-; three unique concepts and values that truly embody Italian Converter DNA namely sustainability◁●, transformative process and quality improvement-•▪◆◇.

For over 25 years☆=, Italian Converter has created high-quality materials for some of the leading fashion and accessories brands=△■. &quot=▼••;Made in Italy and sustainability are part of our DNA□☆,&quot◇☆★; said Costantino Karazissis▽○▽◆, founder of Italian Converter=●▼☆▲. &quot◁…★◇;We believe that responsible sourcing and processes as well as a deep research into new technology pathways and a market-savvy taste for material design must be the starting point◇▲●.&quot▽○•;

&quot☆▷★○△;We proudly collaborate with 120 skilled employees producing new hybrid material innovations daily▷▪●•, attracting partnerships from the best high-end brands both in Italy and abroad-◇,&quot•△◇★○; said Karazissis-■▷◁.

ECO Kosmos is entirely traceable▼△◆○, transparent○☆★□☆, 100 per cent made in Italy=…▷◇. The collection walks through a complete and balanced range of sustainable materials &ndash…▪△; from natural to eco high tech ones that are transformed●•■•, enriched and valued in 10 high-tech cutting-edge innovations by Italian Converter◁☆=◆▼.

The natural line starts from bases of cotton bonded with Amni Soul Eco△■, an enhanced polyamide 6•-■◆.6 that degrades within 5 years instead of decades▼▷, as other conventional ones do▲•…◇. The stretch innovations starts from bases in GRS-certified Newlife▼•△=▽, a cutting-edge premium recycled polyester created using a high-tech conversion model▽★. Through a mechanical process•◆, used plastic bottles are turned into a top-quality polymer and yarn which is 100 per cent traceable and 100 per cent Made in Italy=◇☆. The whole process takes place within a 100 square kilometre area in Piedmont in Northern Italy○…▷.

All the references make use only of water-based resins and Standard 100 by Oeko-Tex certified dyeing◆□◇•. The result is resistant and transpiring solutions which come with bold and high-performing features▷★▷, with a soft touch or even with a silky■-, yet strong•▲○◇▽, and enveloping feel▪•▲•. The designs range from rustic to contemporary and nod to jacquard-★●◆, &#39•▼;authentic look&#39▽■…; and &#39☆■◆▼;drill&#39★◁▲=▽; hints•-. The solutions are ideal for footwear▼●, apparel and leather goods▷▪□•△.

&quot◆□;But this is just the beginning▽△■△,&quot△▽△=; added Karazissis▽■. &quot△○◇▪;The next step we are going to implement in the ECO Kosmos cross-collection is a progressive integration of our triple-expertise○■▲, processes and R&amp▽▷=▼△;D▲◆■•.&quot•▽▽; (PC)

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