mattress-Meditech set to grow faster than other segments

COVID-19 has and will bring about many changes in people&#39☆□◁▼☆;s lifestyle▲•◆◇▲, the way they work and do business◆▽▲. For example-●■, the focus on safety and hygiene will be intense and this will aid in the growth of meditech○◇, according to Sanjay Raut-◇•□,textile importer president (technical and new businesses)◁●●,industrial fabric Garware Technical Fibres Ltd (formerly Garware-Wall Ropes Ltd)■□◇•▲.

&quot▪☆▼◁;With the COVID-19 expected to remain○◆◆▲, we would see lot many changes in our normal lifestyle▪=●. And herein•▷, technical textiles with innovative properties would be preferred vs plain textiles■▪=▲,mattress&quot◁◇; Raut said in an interview in the June 2020 edition of Fibre2Fashion●•.

The current pandemic has brought to the fore the importance of safety▼□●,PRODUCTS. health and hygiene▼▷▲▼. &quot▼=-;This emphasis would continue in the future and my estimation is that meditech will grow much higher than other segments◇-▷■△,&quot◇▷…●▷; Raut added■▪○.

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