new innovative fabrics - Invista to launch Crafted in Japan with Cordura Fabric

Leading fibres and polymers company◆-▽, Invista Japan•, has announced its new &lsquo◆•;Crafted in Japan with Cordura Fabric&rsquo△□▼▲●; series in collaboration with leading Japanese brands to showcase specialised manufacturing techniques and cutting-edge design★…▽. The campaign is a testimony to the Cordura brand&rsquo▲◆;s appreciation and support for Japanese craftsmanship…★.
Incorporating Cordura fabric technologies trusted by the US military for exceptional strength and durability•◁▼◆, the series celebrates the development of forward-thinking●…▲☆, innovative bag◆★▼, pack and carry solutions built to withstand the test of time□△☆.
Cordura fabrics are used in a wide variety of stylish and long-lasting products from apparel to bags□▲, packs▷★▼■,new innovative fabrics and footwear▷□▼●◆, and are trusted by many militaries and protective clothing companies around the globe☆■★■. Our new series demonstrates how these fabrics can be utilised by Japanese brands and designers☆▽○, who are global tastemakers on the forefront of product innovation△◁★…, Takashi Kawasaki=◇•, Cordura brand Japanese business manager said▼▷□△.
In the first phase of the project△○▽, the Cordura brand will release a video made in collaboration with leading bag brand master-piece (MSPC)◁◇-•. Through close-up shots of the detailed work of artisans•●☆□☆, from design planning to cutting and sewing•▲◆, the video emphasises the intricate detail and beauty of Japanese craftsmanship with Cordura fabric◆■○●.
The video will be complemented with an Instagram giveaway campaign…◆▷. By following the official Cordura brand Japanese Instagram account and clicking &lsquo•◁◁•;like&rsquo▽; on the post★●●,SEAQUAL Fabrics. three winners will receive master-piece&rsquo●•;s 2018 Potential 2way backpack highlighted in the video▲▷. Entries can be made from September 13 to October 12…▷★, 2018•-▷△△.
Phase two of the campaign will feature a special collaboration with CIE★▷.•◆△-▲, an up and coming○▼, innovative Japanese bag brand that has taken a military approach to carry solutions•△. Cordura NYCO fabric▽☆▽◇□, which is widely used in US military uniform applications◆▽, is integrated in CIE◁▽=.&rsquo•■•▽;s designs with minimalistic○=●◁, yet highly functional design□. (GK)

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