ocean clean-ups - Brentano welcomes new hues for annual colour forecast

Brentano has welcomed a host of new versatile hues for its 12th annual colour forecast-◆▲. A delicate dance between rich▽◆◁■, highly saturated tones (Summer Dawn■▪, Spruce)◁▲◁, soft pastels (French Lavender•◁▪, Dusty Rose and Crystal Springs) and warm neutrals (Weathered Oak)▲◇▽▼○, Brentano&rsquo△■-◇▲;s 2020 forecast showcases layers of colour each with its own celebrated characteristics▽△▪●☆.

Many of these hues are ones that have interested me for quite some time▼-, said founder and design director☆-▽, Iris Wang•△•. While blues and teals have always had relevance within our line◆▪, the way in which they are evolving is ever-changing▷◆. While Lavender has proven to gain strength in popularity with each collection launch●◆▷…, I have recently taken interest in exploring varying renditions of yellow and it&rsquo…▲;s vibrant•○-, avant-garde qualities▷●▲.

On the heels of 2019&rsquo=★;s Pink Champagne★●•●△, Dusty Rose&rsquo◆☆=▲●;s prominent qualities create an ombre effect that lend the colour to a refined and muted colour story with a matte finish of rosy pinks and lush purples□★△▽■. The gentle▪◁••◆, romantic nature of Dusty Rose opens the door for designing fashionable interiors with an au courant◇▼, chic▼••, sophisticated ambiance-▼▷=.

A functional and dexterous green○•▷□, Spruce&rsquo△-◆;s subtle shades of light and dark blue provides a unique opportunity for designers■…□. Pairing well with a fortitude of colours▪☆, this rich•=•△, never drab hue is both soothing and bold●◆△▼. Schemed with a mix of charcoals★•▷●◁, blues and beige▪▽, this colour is perfect for contract○■▷△, hospitality and residential projects alike■★•=○.

When the sun is setting and golden hour is upon us•■▽, the beautiful★-■◁□, arresting nature of Summer Dawn is at its best▪▪-△. A fresh approach to cool yellows with a hint of green●△, Summer Dawn has the energetic qualities of a canary yellow with the opulent tones of a goldenrod or whiskey○◁. An elegant mix of light and dark◆=▼◁, this dimensional▷-, layered colour is an instant showstopper when paired with classic emeralds■☆, deep blues▽=…=▼, regal purples and warm browns□▲◇★◆.

A personal favourite of Wang▽△•☆◆, French Lavender is an elusive soft pastel purple with a grey undertones△□●=■. A recent introduction to Brentano&rsquo…△…▷;s line with Fall 2019&rsquo=○△=■;s Clearwater Collection◇◁, French Lavender brings tangible beauty to modern design with hints of amethyst and fleeting characteristics of lilac●-▪△•. This stylish and polished colour has become a fast favourite among residential and contract designers alike▪★☆=◁.

A cool approach to trendy blues…■▼▲, Crystal Springs is a modern☆☆, charming and lively addition to Brentano&#39◁△○▽◆;s 2020 Color Forecast-▼◆▲. An exquisite combination of lustrous…■▲◇▼, smart and serene blues paired with tonal ombre highlights▽▪-■○, creates an enchanting and refined effect…=☆▽●, that would enhance any commercial★=, hospitality or residential project■▲=.

A linen grey with warm tones and a hint of brown-▽, Weathered Oak is a welcome alternative to traditional neutrals●■. With its unique blend of understated★▷▼, driftwood-like aesthetics and transitional silver-fox traits★△…▲, Weathered Oak has earned its place among the ranks of notable neutrals in the marketplace•▼▲.

The Brentano Design studio-…, led by Wang○•●, is celebrating 29 years in 2019•☆▲◆! The house has grown from a modest eight patterns in 1990▷●•○•, into an international source for residential•●, hospitality and commercial•…◁▲▷, upholstery and drapery fabrics…★. The range has expanded to include luxurious faux leathers△■▪☆, sophisticated indoor/outdoor choices○△▲▪•, dynamic stain resistant and easy clean finish options•◇•, as well as a beautiful collection of eco-friendly textiles▲▷•◁. ocean clean-ups fabrics wholesale oem fabric supplier rpet fabric,

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