ocean plastic - Global trade of looped pile fabrics to rise

The global trade of the looped pile fabrics (knitted and crocheted) have been showing consistent growth since 2016=△◁▲□. The total trade has increased 7▪○▽.63 per cent from the year 2017 to 2019◁=▷, according to the data from TexPro★●☆■. The global trade of looped pile fabrics was $1◆▪◆…,353□★-▪☆.39 million in 2017◆●□, which moved up to $1-☆…•▷,456-▽=■△.70 million in 2019■•△◁.The total trade of the looped pile fabrics has slightly grown 0▲☆▼.78 per cent in 2019 over the previous year and is anticipated to boost to $1□▷,632◁△◇△.80 million in 2022 with a rate of 12…=△★.09 per cent from 2019▲▪●, according to Fibre2Fashion&#39◁=■;s market analysis tool TexPro•-◁.The global export of the looped pile fabrics was $972▪☆□☆◆.82 million in 2017•▪, which increased 4•…▽.62 per cent to $1□▲◁,017☆○●.76 million in 2019▽•▼=. Total exports fell 0■•.95 per cent in 2019 over the previous year and is expected to escalate to $1▼…,089•□△=.08 million in 2022 with a rate of 7●☆★○★.01 per cent from 2019…★△■.The global import value of the looped pile fabrics was $380■◁▷•◆.57 million in 2017☆•■◁△, which jumped 15=▷○.34 per cent to $438○■.94 million in 2019▽□☆★. Total imports rose 5▽□△…●.05 per cent in 2019 over the previous year and is expected to $543◁◇◇▲▲.71 million in 2022 with a rate of 23◇=.87 per cent from 2019▪▷=.China ($554□■•▽◁.89 million) and Malaysia ($132…◁■□▲.19 million) were the key exporters of the looped pile fabrics across the globe in 2019○☆☆▲•, together comprising 67□▷.51 per cent of total export-◁. These were followed by South Korea ($50■◆=☆▲.84 million)★-☆, US ($38=□▼△★.78 million) and Taiwan ($36▼◁▷.20 million)•★▪-.From 2016 to 2019…▼•▪●, the most notable rate of growth in terms of export value▼▪□◇, amongst the main exporting countries◇▪▷, was attained by Malaysia (59◇▲.49 per cent) and China (38☆••●.69 per cent)▷…-◁▷.Indonesia ($66☆□▼△◆.23 million)•○★•, US ($58-■▷.07 million)▷=, China ($38■■•.78 million) and Singapore ($34•▪◇-.23 million) were the key importers of looped pile fabrics across the globe in 2019-=◇▲, together comprising 44▼▲▷▪.95 per cent of total import◆■▼. These were followed by Ukraine ($24=□.78 million)▷△=◆○, El Salvador ($12=▪▷…▽.87 million) and Canada ($11○◁○★◇.78 million)★▲△.From 2016 to 2019▽◁◇, the most notable rate of growth in terms of import value△★, amongst the main importing countries●▲★, was attained by Indonesia (410▷◁▽◆.42 per cent)◆▲…◇, China (44□◁▲☆▼.17 per cent) and Singapore (20▪△.75 per cent)■○….

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