oceanworks plastic - Bemberg to present new fabric innovations at PV

Bemberg will present a full range of new fabric innovations at Premi&egrave▽-▲;re Vision (PV) New York from January 21-22▷◁, 2020▽★. Made by Asahi Kasei■…▽▷▽, the company is sole maker of this high-tech natural material with a unique touch and feel▲○. Bemberg is made from cotton linter bio-utility material and is a truly unique smart fibre that doesn&rsquo□▷▲◇▷;t deplete forestry resources◁☆▽.

The Bemberg proposal will especially focus on Velutine Evo for shell fabrics▽□◇-,oceanworks plastic the new technically advanced finishing refinement technology developed in the Japanese laboratories of Asahi Kasei that offers a premium finish to the best qualities of the classic Bemberg peach skin touch▽▪. As part of the company&rsquo▲▷□●•;s continuous innovation◁◇▲,Recycled Cotton Fabrics, Velutine Evo brings better environmental•▼☆, energy and water profiles for the benefit of Bemberg partners in the manufacture of their ranges=•○▽◁. It sets a new benchmark for everyday luxury with a new generation of fibrillation technology▪▪★■.

And apart from the exquisite and precious touch of Bemberg fabrics△-△, visitors at PV will see the unique circularity of Bemberg from its source◆-…☆●, manufacture and end-of-life credentials☆•▼=, supported by the LCA study•△◇, signed by ICEA and validated by Paolo Masoni-▼▪=, confirming a new quality profile and standard with a more responsible and unique position today◇△▼. Apart from full GRS certification◁◆=…=, Oeko-Tex 100◇…, ISO 14001-▽…◇○, &amp□▷●; Eco-Mark○●▷▲, Bemberg also has a new Compostability Certification■●.

The Innovhub-SSI report confirms that Bemberg filaments disintegrate at 100 per cent value within the limits specified by the UNI EN 13432=☆△, point A••■.3▽☆■◁.1 for disintegration in composting▽▪◁=-. Also○◆▽•, a new Ecotoxicity metric to EN 13432•◆☆==:2000 Annex E▼•□▲, the compost obtained from the Bemberg filaments according to ISO 16929◁-…:2013□•○■●, revealed no ecotoxicity effect•▷. The Bemberg filaments were tested for heavy metals and other toxic hazardous substances and were found to comply with tests specified by the UNI EN 13432▼▼☆=.

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