oem fabric-Devan Moov&Cool tech to support high-performance sport in UK, Belgium

Textile finishing expert Devan Chemicals has partnered with the English Institute for Sport (EIS) and Sally Cowan Ltd to support high performance sport in the UK and Belgium with its cool comfort technology Moov&amp▪★;Cool★-▲◇●. The tech consists of a multi-functional polymer technology that absorbs heat during performance and improve moisture management of fabric●●▪◁▲.

The treatment has been designed to simultaneously react to sweat build up and heat emission◇■○, the company said in a press release□◇.

Through our partnership with Sally Cowan Ltd■◇△▪, we have been really pleased to work with Devan and find out more about their Moov&amp-▼★;Cool technology and the feedback from the sports that we work with has been positive▷▼●▼, said Jonathan Leeder◆•◆, performance innovation consultant at the EIS◁▼●.

In Belgium◇-△★, Devan has been involved in the Gold2Gold project carried out by Sport Vlaanderen◁-△▲▲. Gold2Gold is a unique collaboration between sports=◇, government and the industry to prepare Belgian athletes to perform better in hot environments during world-level championships■=▪▷. Thermoregulating technology is increasingly becoming a key aspect of endurance performance for elite athletes…○◇▼.

We are happy to see that our Moov&amp◇•▪•;Cool technology is finally taking of in the market○=◁…, said Sven Ghyselinck◁☆▪☆•, CEO of Devan▽▷. With all the test work that has happened by the Sport Science Institutes like the Bakala Institute in Belgium and the University of Nottingham in the UK▽▼, we are happy it can now perform on the highest levels of sport★□◇★○. We are very satisfied that the pre-competition test results carried out by athletes in different sports disciplines speak for themselves☆▼○.

Devan was recently acquired by Pulcra Chemicals●◇.

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