oem fabric-Teijin develops water-repellant stretchable fabric

Teijin Frontier▽▼◆…, the Teijin Group&rsquo●●■;s fibre and products converting company☆◁•, has developed a new☆□, highly water-repellent fabric incorporating enhanced elastic properties△=◁. It plans to market the new product from the beginning of the 2019 spring/summer season…•…. Teijin…●, headquartered in Japan▽□◁, is a technology-driven global group offering advanced solutions▼-◆.
The new fabric is designed primarily for trousers and outer-clothing applications requiring medium thickness materials▽◇. Teijin Frontier is targeting annual sales of JPY one billion ($ 9 million) by the fiscal year ending March 2021▽…▪▲■,sustainable textile companies according to a press release■▷◇◁.
Based on the company&rsquo▷▲;s existing water repellent fabric■•, the new design incorporates a convex structure with horizontal surface tension which is smaller than waterdrops◆△☆●, allowing water to run off the surface smoothly★…◇…◇.
The fabric achieves a grade four out of five in water-repellent rating initially□…, and a grade three rating after being washed 20 times▽■▼. It is able to stretch by 10 per cent●▲, and maintains water-repellency when stretched▷=,Seaqual elastic fabrics for activewear,outdoor collection thanks to its flexible structure▲▽○▷; conventional water-repellent fabrics are unable to achieve similar levels of stretchablility because of the high density of their yarn arrays○◁○▪.
The demand for highly water-repellent apparel◆-,oem fabric including stretchable clothes such as trousers and outer-clothing applications★●▪○, is growing in response to the increased frequency of heavy rain in Japan▽△. (GK)

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