
togetherforacleanocean – PolyU comes out with intelligent quality corol

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has come out with an intelligent fabric defect detection system▪◇△=◆, called WiseEye-▽▷●◁, which leverages advanced technologies including Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Deep Learning for quality control (QC) in textile industry☆▼. The system effectively minimises the chance of producing substandard fabric by 90 per cent☆△▷●.The system substantially reduces loss and […]

headliner material – Pu tminates ADD probe agast 100% polyes fabricfrom Cha

The Peruvian National Competition and Intellectual Property Protection Agency&rsquo…◁★○;s committee on dumping•▷▪△◆, subsidies and non-tariff trade barriers announced last month its decision to terminate the anti-dumping investigation against Chinese polyester fabric and not impose anti-dumping duty (ADD) on the same■•○…☆. The announcement takes effect from the date of promulgation◆◇…▽▽.Cent per cent polyester fabric originating in […]

furniture designers – Aora to display custom-coating products at IFAI expo

Aurora will display its next-generation•■▲○, custom-coating capabilities and products for industrial belts●★, home furnishings▽…▽•◁, and printable textile industries■◆●, at IFAI expo★☆, in booth A-1025…◁-★. Aurora is a leader in coating△•, dyeing▲■, and finishing of knits☆▪△, wovens☆★, and non-woven fabrics◇■…. IFAI is a premier industrial fabrics show■•▪◁■, to be held from October 1-4◇▽□☆, 2019■▷△.Aurora provides a […]

recycled nylon fabric

What is recycled nylon fabric Recycled nylon is made from nylon waste from products that have already been manufactured, sold, used, and then discarded by consumers. It can also be made from the waste that’s left over during the processes where nylon is made into a product. Environmental protection, regeneration and recycling have become hot […]

cotton fabric wholesale – Italys fabric producer Klopman enters South A

Klopman▽◁☆▪, a leading European producer of fabrics for workwear▽▲◁, recently announced its entry into South Africa●■. This follows a partnership with Servworx■□▽, the second largest workwear rental company in South Africa◁◆△•. Klopman is optimistic about the country&rsquo○▷▪•;s market potential▪–, forecasting growth potential of millions of metres of fabric over the next few years▲•▲▲◇.The agreement with […]

green fabric – Neo Tech partners HeiQ to power up anti-viral fabrics

Neo Tech▽▷, a part of the Donear Group▪▲, has partnered with Swiss company HeiQ to power up its suiting and worsted fabrics with an intelligent textile technology&mdash•■□○▪;HeiQ Viroblock NPJ03-△▲, which is among the first textile technologies in the world to be proven and certified effective against SARS-CoV-2…•▼■●, the strain of coronavirus that causesCOVID-19•…★△◆. HeiQ creates […]

ocean plastic – Global trade of looped pile fabrics to rise

The global trade of the looped pile fabrics (knitted and crocheted) have been showing consistent growth since 2016=△◁▲□. The total trade has increased 7▪○▽.63 per cent from the year 2017 to 2019◁=▷, according to the data from TexPro★●☆■. The global trade of looped pile fabrics was $1◆▪◆…,353□★-▪☆.39 million in 2017◆●□, which moved up to $1-☆…•▷,456-▽=■△.70 […]

interior specifiers – Bangladeshs Z&Z launchecorona block fabric

Bangladesh&rsquo□◁;s Zaber and Zubair Fabrics Ltd (Z&amp▷□;Z)=…-●, a unit of the Noman Group★▼▪-▲, recently claimed to have developed a new fabric called &lsquo•○★▪●;corona block fabric&rsquo▽☆; with the help of biocidal and virucidal treatment that could kill coronavirus within 120 seconds with the precision of 99◆▲■☆.9 per cent=•. The company was backed by two Swiss partners […]


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