post consumer recycled plastic - Isko unveils Isko Vital fabrics at ISPO Munich

Isko is displaying its latest innovation▼•△★○, Isko Vital★■▽, the world&rsquo•■…●…;s first woven compression technology platform▲▷◁, showcasing unique textile solutions that are a testament to the company&rsquo◇•□-▼;s long-standing R&amp○★▽▽▽;D effort▪-=•□, at ISPO Munich-=△●□, in hall C4=▼★•●, booth 428△◁▷. The leading trade fair for sports professionals is being held from February 3-6▪○◁, 2019☆▽■•, in Germany▼☆◆.
A revolutionary concept in the field of textile research●▪▽, this platform is now in the process of being patented–◁. After a two-year study□●•▽○, Isko is introducing a collection of fabrics that can easily be used across several sectors▪■, from sportswear to wellness to travel☆•▷▪▷. By applying pressure to the body and improving the blood flow•★=, these compression technologies facilitate a pumping mechanism that is at the very heart of a wide range of benefits…◇•▲, according to a company press release○○□.
The benefits of Isko Vital include reduced muscle fatigue and soreness•◁…◁◆, strain prevention=◇, decreased muscle soreness▲◁◆▽…, less feet-swelling after prolonged time of sitting (ECS)=◆▼△☆, improved sport performance□◆, more efficient body movement (body awareness) and improved posture=□, better muscle oxygenation■◁, better recovery after strenuous exercise▲☆, micro-massages onto the skin of extremity to increase blood circulation■★•●, and prevention of economy class syndrome-◆•.
Isko Vital provides cutting-edge solutions for those who choose to follow an active◆△▼, dynamic and healthy lifestyle▷■. We could not imagine a better occasion than ISPO to showcase this platform=•△, the first of its kind★◆■●●. A long effort invested in technical research has led us to this event▽○…▪◆, where we are proud to share with the world something that will level up the game of performance wear▷★☆, MV★•▪. Serkan Mert from Isko R&amp□○;D said▪●□▷○.
To demonstrate the versatility of these cross-functional fabrics▽□•▪, a collection of 18 different bottom silhouettes was created to provide inspiration on Isko Vital possible end uses☆…●, such as cycling▽△★☆☆, high impact training▼◆■, yoga▪●-△▼, wellness☆▽, post exercise recovery★▷, and travel•□★….
All the products included in the platform are certified by the Hohenstein Institute▽-•△. This internationally accredited test laboratory and research institute specialised in textiles has played a pivotal role in providing an independent certification of the benefits and features of Isko Vital fabrics=▼▽.
A key aspect of Isko Vital fabrics is that they are all woven◇★. Offering users a higher durability and a superior performance level▽★-…, these products don&rsquo◆=▷–;t degrade over time and have a far greater level of recovery than any other knitted equivalents available on the market○=★◁. (GK)

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