recycled - Donear anticipates integrating AI, robotics into shopfloor

Nanotechnology□▼◆, 3-D printing◇, eco-friendly fabrics and smarter factories are some trends that will continue to have a strong impact on the textiles industry in the coming years…□, according to Donear Industries Ltd managing director Rajendra Agarwal▽★▷▽◇, who is looking forward to integrate artificial intelligence and robotics into shopfloor processes to improve efficiency=-.
Nanotechnology is being used to create utilitarian clothing from water-repellent◇▲,SEAQUAL Final Products. fire-repellent and aromatic fabrics□△◆★. A different arm of nanotechnology will also enable the textile industry to go for low-energy production▷▼…, which helps in environmental sustenance●▲▲○, Agarwal told Fibre2Fashion in an interview=-△….
3-D printing is being incorporated into fabrics to get a resilient and smooth finish-▼,recycled he added■■▷. (DS)
For full interview■★◆☆, please click here▲□…•.

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