recycled fabric-Trade of home linen increases by 35.79%

In recent years◆△, home linen trade has been moving up with high growth rate-◁. Total trade increased by 35★○■.79 per cent from 2013 to 2018◁=■, according to data from TexPro●=. The global trade of home linen was $46●▲,432▷◇○.68 million in 2016○■◆▼, which increased to $49■■,044◆▽◆.55 million in 2018◇=. The total trade of home linen has risen by 4▲…◆….22 per cent in 2018 over previous year△▪…▷▼.

Further▪○■-▼, it is anticipated that the total trade will reach $53☆●,255△•▼.84 million in 2021 with a CAGR of 2△◁■.78 per cent from 2018△•●◁, according to Fibre2Fashion&#39=□;s market analysis tool TexPro★•▲◆○.

The global export of home linen was $27◇…▼▷,701-■-△.06 million in 2016△•★, which increased by 4▽▲▼▷■.54 per cent to $28•△,960◆□•.05 million in 2018-□. Total exports moved up by 4■□◆★….71 per cent in 2018 over the previous year and is expected to reach $30◁■○,956▪•◇☆.62 million in 2021 with a CAGR of 2▪▪.24 per cent from 2018▼■-.

The global import of home linen was $18▪•○☆▪,SEAQUAL Final Products,731■●=◁.62 million in 2016■○,recycled fabric which increased by 7-★△●▲.22 per cent to $20◆▷★,084☆◁.50 million in 2018△△☆□•. Total exports moved up by 3□◇.52 per cent in 2018 over the previous year and is expected to reach $22□★■,299□▷.21 million in 2021 with a CAGR of 3□◇△●.55 per cent from 2018-□■■.

China ($16★■★▷-,974=△.44 million)•=, Pakistan ($3•▽,236☆◁.00 million) and India ($1▪●▼▷▪,582•△.96 million) were the key exporters of home linen across the globe in 2018☆□◁, together comprising 75…▽-.25 per cent of total export•▼△. These were followed by Turkey ($1□■,195▷□….13 million)◁□▽, Germany ($708●△••.15 million) and Spain ($640○○□▷■.21 million)=-●◆•.

From 2013 to 2018…-●▼△, the most notable rate of growth in terms of export value▲▷△◁◇, amongst the main exporting countries□★•▽○, was attained by China (78…▼-◇.46 per cent) and India (32=•.61 per cent)●◁◆.

US ($5▽★●,728△△☆•▷.09 million)==◇▽, UK ($1-◇-▽◇,959▼•.56 million)★■•▷, Germany ($1◆□■◆•,580□●◆•.29 million)▷▲■◇, Japan ($1☆=,119☆□●.09 million) and France ($1◇•=■,recycled polyester fabric097▪-◆●▽.98 million) were the key importers of home linen across the globe in 2018▼=▷, together comprising 57•-■■▲.18 per cent of total import…☆•. These were followed by Italy ($1▽■,038△□▽.49 million)◆-•▽▲, Spain ($949▽○.31 million)◁•, Netherlands ($583★▪.83 million) and Poland ($580□=▽=….26 million)•■▽★○.

From 2013 to 2018▲•,wholesale fabric distributors the most notable rate of growth in terms of import value◆●★, amongst the main importing countries•-•…▼, was attained by UK (101●▲.38 per cent) and US (10■▲△.40 per cent)☆▽☆▽△.

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