repreve-US company Beverly Knits appoints Rich Pattinson as new president

Beverly Knits has appointed Rich Pattinson as president of the company=•=◇△. Beverly Knits is a leading circular knitter in the US△-■•▼, creating industry-leading solutions for the world&rsquo△=□▷▼;s greatest brands of performance wear▼●, athletic footwear■●●▷▲, intimate apparel▪☆■◁▲, outdoor products◁=▽☆△, mattress and bedding▼●▪▽, automotive•■▽○, industrial-◆▪, and medical=•…☆◆, including PPE◆◁.
Pattinson is a highly respected executive with over 30 years&rsquo☆□; experience in the fibres=●, apparel▷=★…, and flooring industries◇…☆●◇. Throughout his career-•●▼, he has held business leadership positions at DuPont▽▽•, Koch/Invista……-▼, and most recently▷•▪, Pharr Fibers and Yarns-▽•. He graduated from Duke University with a degree in mechanical engineering and material science▽▪•. In addition to his responsibilities at Beverly Knits▼☆•, Pattison serves as the vice president of the CTGA…◇●◆▽, a carpet trade industry association▼•▼☆, according to a press release by the company-□.
Pattinson is a proven business leader with a distinguished track record of leading organisations through change and transition○•▽. I believe his strong leadership experience combined with operational and commercial expertise will serve our companies well▪◇▷▽. We are thrilled to have him on our team and confident that our companies will thrive under his leadership as we develop and execute growth strategies•☆□▼, Ron Sytz-○▲=▷, CEO of Beverly Knits said in a statement◆•▼.
I&rsquo□■-;m excited to return to the industry where I spent the first half of my career and to help lead and further grow a strong▲□•, family-owned enterprise▽▲-★. Customers of Beverly Knits◇□=, Altus■▽, and Creative already know of the incredibly innovative textile products that we bring to the market•△•○☆. Now▷★□▽, with our enhanced product development capabilities and expanding assets★▷▽◁●, we are well positioned to help even more customers create value with our products•=…★▽, Pattinson said•▼.

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