seaqual fabric-Eurojersey unveils Sensitive Fabrics swimwear 2020

Eurojersey-△…•, the leading manufacturer of warp-knit Sensitive Fabrics headquartered in Italy▼○■▽…,seaqual fabric has launched a new swimwear collection for 2020□●•, designed to let thoughts flow free and unfetter the imagination▪◁▼▷◇. The Spring Summer 2020 season is characterised by original and creative themes=•, ideal for adding verve to a contemporary concept of femininity◇◁.
High performing sensitive fabrics give each swimwear garment an impeccable fit along with a high resistance to the effects caused by chlorinated water▲○•○, sun creams○▷…,chinese seaqual fabric and heat◇■△…. Quick drying☆●▷☆○,Recycled PET Fabrics. shape retaining and colour resistant◇▽-•, Sensitive Fabrics are the winning solution for top quality swimwear whether worn on the beach or used for sports activities•◆▪☆, Eurojersey said in a media statement◁▽.
Four main themes that spring from the versatility of Sensitive Fabrics include Beating▪☆▷▲, Whispering-••◁…, Swinging=-▪, and Parley-▪▼▷☆. They range from elegant and fashionable animalier themes played out in light-dark contrasting effects &ndash★◁☆; to reflect a collective sensation▽●★○, to soft delicate shades recalling a close contact with the environment in a mannature duality which seems to be resolved quietly and pacifically▷△-.
The Beating theme expresses the strong chameleon-like identity of Sensitive Fabrics▪□, consisting of dynamic and resonant nuances▲◁, with pronounced animalier accents-▼▼○, rendered three-dimensional and textural by look and feel effects obtained by the digital printing technique applied to Sensitive Sand▷☆…□▲, Sensitive Classic▼●=○, Sensitive Plus★◁, and Sensitive Sheer fabrics☆•▲. A dark filter intensifies the colour contrasts of a contemporary attitude◇▪, making them versatile and perfect○▷, elegant and fashionable for everyday use or a special beach party◆■.
Whispering includes a variegated range of pastel shades★□◆. The links between natural and artificial underpin a respect for the environment and human beings▽○▷-▷. The foliage motifs▽☆•◁, softened by hazy filters★▼○■▲, confer sensations of relaxation…=, total silence●●○★, and a desire to flee from chaos◇○■■▷. They are prints for fashionable swimsuits▼○◆△□, ideal for a yoga lesson or a comfortable and relaxing break☆▽▷, thanks to the comfort of Sensitive Classic and Sensitive Plus fabrics•◇-◆●.
Swinging includes energy-packed dynamic colours with nuances borrowed from the world of modern art□…□. A mood that is contemporary and fun●■▼□, whose luminous tones engage all the senses in unexpected and often disharmonious rhythms■▷☆◁◆, provides the inspiration for Sensitive Classic☆▽…★○, Sensitive Plus▲▲, Sensitive Perforated▼=○, and Sensitive Fluo fabrics▼▲. Trendy colours and patterns confer a boost of energy and evoke fun occasions△★.
Parley prints are inspired by the &lsquo◆○;Parley for the Oceans&rsquo●▷△●◇; concept•◁△, an invitation to reflect on the main threats menacing the oceans◇▽,upholstery the most important eco-system of our planet▼▲▪■. Patterns echo the sea depths■○●●•, thanks to digital printing▪●▷●, as well as infinite nuances combined with colours ranging from blues to sand◇★. It includes trends conceived for functional fitness and sport■◆▼○=, made up in Sensitive Classic○◆•▼●, Sensitive Sculpt▼▷•◆▷, and Sensitive Sculpt Light fabrics▪○▽★▲. (GK)

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