sustainable material-Global exports of twine and ropes of polypropylene to rise

The global trade of twine◇▼○★■, cordage▷-◁, ropes▪▼☆, and cables (whether or not plaited or braided and whether or not impregnated-□□▪▷, coated▷◇••, covered or sheathed with rubber and plastics) of polyethylene or polypropylene has shown a fall in 2019◁●○★▲. Total trade grew 5◁•■☆.26 per cent from $2…▪=▷=,059■●•▪▲.75 million in 2017 to $2•◁,168◆■▲▷.14 million in 2019▽○, according to data from TexPro◁▷◆.The total trade of twine●□▪★, cordage▲-…★○, ropes■▼…=•, and cables of polyethylene or polypropylene has declined 2□…•▪.50 per cent in 2019 over the previous year and is anticipated to surge to $2▷▷•◇,341•▼△.67 million in 2022 with a rate of 8▲•○☆.00 per cent from 2019★-▪△◁, according to Fibre2Fashion&#39◆▷•★;s market analysis tool TexPro▼▽◁.The global export of twine☆▪▲◆, cordage-=-, ropes☆▷□▪…, and cables of polyethylene or polypropylene was $1■■▲☆●,159-■.26 million in 2017●☆●, which increased 5▷△□▽.80 per cent to $1•◁■,226■◆▪▷.48 million in 2019▷•▽◁. Total exports declined 0●▪.94 per cent in 2019 over the previous year and is expected to move up to $1▽◁,plastics in the oceanAPPLICATIONSsustainable material334▷▪.69 million in 2022 with a rate of 8○■□.82 per cent from 2019◆▲…□○.The global import value of twine◁▼, cordage……▪▲•, ropes••••□, and cables of polyethylene or polypropylene was $900=▲◁■.49 million in 2017▪◁●▲▲, which rose 4●△■.57 per cent to $941□=•.67 million in 2019▷▲▼◇★. Total imports fell 4▲□◁.46 per cent in 2019 over the previous year and is expected to grow to $1•▼■,006◁◆▽◁○.98 million in 2022 with a rate of 6▼▽▪.94 per cent from 2019▪★○.China ($272▪◇☆★.15 million)◁=•●□, Portugal ($180…◆□◆★.25 million) and India ($77…◁…=☆.71 million) were the key exporters of twine□□■▷◁, cordage…=◆▪▪, ropes▼…=, and cables of polyethylene or polypropylene across the globe in 2019●△▼, together comprising 43▽◇▼…….22 per cent of total export☆•▲. These were followed by South Korea ($69-■.46 million)○=, Vietnam ($55•▷◆.29 million) and Poland ($50□▷▽.35 million)▷=□•….From 2016 to 2019▪▽▷,denim garment the most notable rate of growth in terms of export value◁○◁◇, amongst the main exporting countries◆▪◇○■, was attained by India and Portugal■▽….The US ($134◇◇○.73 million)▪••■, UK ($63•▷★.61 million)▷○▪…○, France ($51○○.67 million) and Germany ($47▼▪.96 million) were the key importers of twine▪△▷▲▪, cordage◆▼◆•■, ropes-□△-■, and cables of polyethylene or polypropylene across the globe in 2019◆▽◇△, together comprising 32★◇△.93 per cent of total import●▷○▼▪. These were followed by Australia ($34▽◆○.62 million)•-, Canada ($33=-□◇◇.51 million) and the Netherlands ($33★•.10 million)-◇•.From 2016 to 2019○▪■••, the most notable rate of growth in terms of export value◁▷●, amongst the main importing countries-◇▷, was attained by the US and Germany◆■△.

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