sustainable products-Valmet to shift dryer fabric production to Portugal

Valmet will shift the dryer fabric and wide filter fabric production from Finland to Portugal◁…◁. This will necessitate workforce reduction in Tampere of 78 persons mainly during 2021△▲●…●. This has come out after Valmet completed the co-determination negotiations in the Fabrics Business Unit&rsquo▼■;s operations in Tampere☆☆. The negotiations had begun on January 21◇=•★, 2020△★■.
The target is to ensure the unit&rsquo•□■;s profitability and future competitiveness▷-□•▲. Valmet will relocate the dryer fabric and wide filter fabric production from Finland to Portugal•□. As a consequence of the relocation and re-organising of the work☆…,industrial textilessustainable products the need for workforce reduction in Tampere will be 78 persons mainly during 2021-◇□★◆.
In addition▲-▪◁◁,Recycled Cotton Fabrics, the possibility for temporary lay-offs and part-time work remains if capacity adjustments need to be done later this year△•……-. For those affected by the reductions○▷, Valmet will provide support measures like support for studies and re-employment□•.
Earlier Valmet estimated that the co-determination negotiations would lead to a workforce reduction of 90 persons at the maximum and possible lay-offs and part-time work•=◁▼.
Fabrics Business Unit employs altogether approximately 500 persons in Tampere○▽=•▽. Fabrics develops and manufactures press felts◁●, shoe press belts▷•★,oceanworks dryer fabrics and wide filter fabrics in Tampere☆△△▲●. Valmet&rsquo★●▽▼○;s location in Portugal▪◆▪■-, to which the dryer fabric and wide filter fabric production is relocated=■-=☆, develops and manufactures filter fabrics and other industrial textiles○◆-•.

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