textile buying agent - Groz-Beckert supports research on next-to-skin fabrics

The products &amp◆◁▪; textiles research group of Lucern University has collaborated with Groz-Beckert on a research project concerning textiles for sleep-=…☆. The goal is to analyse▼◁▲●, based on material structure and various knitted structures▷▲■, the functional and aesthetic qualities of next-to-skin fabrics used during sleep and to optimise these via prototyping△….

In concrete terms□▲◇▷▽, the collaboration with Groz-Beckert allowed for knitted samples to be manufactured for haptic as well as psychological and technical examinations☆○▪•○.

The research project studies sleep from the perspective of textile research▽●▼. A natural fibre that absorbs the heat and moisture given off by the body◇▷, and radiates this outwards as needed▪=◁▲, should make it easier to find sleep in the comfort zone☆■◇▷. Integrated functional patches warm the body where it is cooling and cool it where it is becoming too warm…▽•★◁. The materials are developed by the research team from Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU D&amp★…=▽□;K) together with the material scientists from Empa St Gallen and the start-up Dagsmejan Ventures AG★○▷◆. Dagsmejan distributes functional sleep textiles around the world via online retail and offers customers scientifically-supported textile material specifications-▽★•.

Further important findings on nocturnal temperature deviations and sleep activities were obtained through a collaboration with the University of Stockholm◆☆▼. In order to obtain comparisons when evaluating the analysis model•◆▷, Groz-Beckert has now knit two different natural materials in the same thread sizes and structures in order to have them haptically evaluated by test persons-△▷.

Because a majority of textile production has moved out of Switzerland▪•-▷□, the research group had found it increasingly difficult to gain access to industrial infrastructure for material experiments◁△□◁. Searching for a production partner for the knitted samples wanted in the research project▷○◆▲, the research team first turned to Reutlingen University — which has a modern machinery pool for educating students●△. The stitching lab is equipped with the most important stitch-forming machines for the production of knitted and interlaced fabrics▼▽, which the Lucerne School does not have■◆□. However▪○, the fine needle gauge needed by the research team could not be manufactured in Reutlingen○…•.

The suggestion to turn to Groz-Beckert came from Reutlingen◁–▪. Luckily△=★, we have every gauge on hand☆☆▪, and we can also knit small quantities with our own materials◁-◇. In the end◇▪, this means we were able to produce the functional knit for use during sleep in two different materials and various structures-=, said Groz-Beckert in a press release◁■-◆●.

This collaboration proved to be exceptionally bountiful and efficient▲-. Especially because the services we provide make it possible to do more than just use knitting machines■●. The personal technical consultation and sponsoring of work hours and yarn we provided contributed to the research project&#39…•;s success…△○.

Combining specialised textile knowledge and diverse interdisciplinary expertise◇…-, the products &amp●▲◇■; textiles research group of Lucern University conducts application-focused research where design…▼◇, technology▲☆•○, materials■■▷, and sustainability meet■•▲★▪. Together with partners from industry and research▼△, this group studies and validates innovative processes and products▷•=◆▷. Through the use of design visions and systematic experimental examinations●▪, interdisciplinary project teams develop approaches for innovative processes and products that can be transferred into contemporary application scenarios and made usable as prototypes▲◁△•▪.

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