togetherforacleanocean - Lycra showing sustainable denim fabrics at Kingpins

At the ongoing Kingpins Amsterdam tradeshow▼☆, The Lycra Company is showcasing new denim fabrics with its sustainable innovations▽★•■-. The sustainable offerings include Lycra fibre 166L which was recently awarded a gold level material health certificate by the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute•▲. The two-day trade event will conclude on Thursday△■▽◇☆.

By specifying Lycra fibre 166L in denim and woven fabrics▲◇, mills◇○▷▼, brands◁□▪, and retailers can be assured of transparency about the product&rsquo-☆…○-;s ingredients and suppliers as well as The Lycra Company&rsquo△•=;s commitment to continuously improving the sustainability profile of its products▼=, said Jean Hegedus▪•◇=◆, ready-to-wear director for The Lycra Company▲▼○. The 166L fibre is produced at The Lycra Company&rsquo=○●;s plants in China◇=◁, Singapore▼…◁•○, and Northern Ireland and is widely available=◁▼☆◁.

In addition to Lycra fibre 166L▽▲●▷▼, the company will also display customers&rsquo◁△▲; fabrics made with its EcoMade technology•▼★=, including Lycra T400 and Coolmax fibres-▲…. The EcoMade versions of these products offer the same performance benefits as their standard counterparts-▽•, while being made partly from recycled materials◇●△•■. The latest innovation to be launched within this group is Coolmax Natural Touch technology▪■, which uses a patented composite yarn structure to deliver enhanced moisture management and a natural appearance and hand■●◁◆◇.

We&rsquo▷○▲◇;re very excited about the prospects for Coolmax Natural Touch technology-□▪▲○, Hegedus said…▲. We previewed the concept at the last Kingpins show and since then••◆, we&rsquo☆◇■□▽;ve seen a very positive response=▷●•▲. (RR)

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