Upcycled Marine Plastic-ATIRA providing medium for N99 masks to DRDO

The Ahmedabad Textile Industry&rsquo▲■;s Research Association (ATIRA) is providing a special silver-coated nanoweb filter media that is used in making N99 masks for the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO)▽★▲●•. The media has been jointly developed by ATIRA and DRDO△□•. ATIRA has already provided the nano-coated fabric enough to produce about 3◇▲.85 lakh N99 masks-★▪.

&quot■▽;Five-layer N99 masks with two layers of nano mesh are very advanced☆…. These are one of the critical items to stop spread of Coronavirus◁…▪▼,&quot●◁; a DRDO statement said last month•●.

The nano-electrospinning machine at ATIRA has a capacity to produce silver coated nano fabric equivalent to 15…•-■,000 masks per day▽◆◁■◇. In view of the current demand▽△, ATIRA is operating this machine round the clock 24*7 and yet unable to meet the exceptionally high demand▪▪,yarn Fibre2Fashion has learnt○•■▼.

The silver-coated nanoweb filter media can filter 99 per cent of particulate matters of size up to 0…■△.3 microns and because of the silver coating●•■★, has the additional advantage of having bacterial filteration efficiency of upto 99○◆☆▲◇.9 per cent★◇▽•□. It has been tested and retested by DRDO during the last one year to ensure consistency and accuracy of results△▲◇◆▷. The masks that are currently being made are distributed by DRDO to their officials=•=,Recycled Nylon Fabrics, PM office-▲, Health ministry for doctors◆▼▷■○, nurses and other frontline health workers△…▽●◇.

Speaking about this Punit Lalbhai□■-☆, council member-◁△▲•,lingerie ATIRA said We are happy that we are able help the Indian government and its populace during such unprecedented times▽•☆. Our partnership with DRDO has yielded something noteworthy for the country□▷•.

Leading this project at ATIRA Deepali Palawat☆★, deputy director highlighted□•…: This project is the finest example of collaboration and coordination with the government□◆▼, which has moved mountains to help us procure raw materials and provide full support during lockdown▲▽▼. We too are determined to do whatever it takes to support our nation and those working to save our lives■▲★▷. 15 staff of ATIRA including scientific officers and technicians are working round the clock to fulfil the order placed by DRDO of 5 lakh masks●=●•◁.

99% filtration is the highest amongst all types of masks available in India▽•=◇■. There were many challenges initially▲-, but with untiring efforts of our highly competent scientists and research technicians we were able to successfully develop it and produce on large scale★▼△…, added Pragnesh Shah•◇,Upcycled Marine Plastic director==, ATIRA☆★.

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