wholesale upholstery supplies-Arvind to manufacture R-Elan high performance fabrics

Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) has forged a partnership under its Hub Excellence Partners (HEP) programme with Ahmedabad-based Arvind Ltd to manufacture co-branded RElan high performance fabrics▽●▲□▼. Arvind will provide a high standard quality fabric and RIL will ensure timely delivery of RElan high-quality performance technologies to Arvind■◇▼◁.

The partnership was forged during a HEP meet in Ahmedabad to launch RElan fabric 2-★.0●•■, fabrics made from speciality engineered fibres for denim and other woven fabrics-•.

We are pleased to collaborate with Reliance on RElan range of denim fabrics▲△. The partnership will open up opportunities for Arvind to create quality products in line with the latest trends●□□••. This co-branding effort re-affirms our vision to offer products that are aesthetically pleasing•=,yoga fabric supplier technologically advanced and★◆, most importantly●◆▪,wholesale upholstery supplies sustainable☆◁▷, said Aamir Akhtar○△▪, CEO△■◁▷, Denims◁▪, Arvind Ltd◁▪■▷☆.

As an industry leader and a pioneer△•…, RIL is always looking at ways to help create value-added◁☆•, easy-care and more comfortable fabrics for the benefit of common man▷=…, RIL said in a press release◇…•◇△.

Using its ongoing research and development and extensive expertise in fibre reengineering…■, RIL has created a portfolio of speciality fabrics branded RElan that enhance the performance attributes in all apparel segments such as activewear•■◇,rpet polyester denim…◁▲▪, formalwear▼◆, casual and ethnicwear▽◇▷◆. These fabrics are created with active participation of HEP partners spread across the various textile centres of India▽◁,Elastic fabric for YOGA made of SEAQUAL recycled polyester blended with elastane! the release said▲□….

The RElan co-branding exercise will bolster RIL&rsquo▽=▪▲;s foothold in &#8377▲◁;2••,25◁…★•▽,000-2★★■•☆,50…△=…▪,000 crore Indian apparel industry having almost equal share of menswear and womenswear□▲●■. Along with strengthening RElan as a brand▽=■○, RIL is also creating robust fibre-to-fabric value chain to ensure that these innovations match the commercial expectations of fashion brands◇◇◇. (RKS)

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