togetherforacleanocean – PolyU comes out with intelligent quality corol

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has come out with an intelligent fabric defect detection system▪◇△=◆, called WiseEye-▽▷●◁, which leverages advanced technologies including Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Deep Learning for quality control (QC) in textile industry☆▼. The system effectively minimises the chance of producing substandard fabric by 90 per cent☆△▷●.The system substantially reduces loss and […]

headliner material – Pu tminates ADD probe agast 100% polyes fabricfrom Cha

The Peruvian National Competition and Intellectual Property Protection Agency&rsquo…◁★○;s committee on dumping•▷▪△◆, subsidies and non-tariff trade barriers announced last month its decision to terminate the anti-dumping investigation against Chinese polyester fabric and not impose anti-dumping duty (ADD) on the same■•○…☆. The announcement takes effect from the date of promulgation◆◇…▽▽.Cent per cent polyester fabric originating in […]

furniture designers – Aora to display custom-coating products at IFAI expo

Aurora will display its next-generation•■▲○, custom-coating capabilities and products for industrial belts●★, home furnishings▽…▽•◁, and printable textile industries■◆●, at IFAI expo★☆, in booth A-1025…◁-★. Aurora is a leader in coating△•, dyeing▲■, and finishing of knits☆▪△, wovens☆★, and non-woven fabrics◇■…. IFAI is a premier industrial fabrics show■•▪◁■, to be held from October 1-4◇▽□☆, 2019■▷△.Aurora provides a […]

cotton fabric wholesale – Italys fabric producer Klopman enters South A

Klopman▽◁☆▪, a leading European producer of fabrics for workwear▽▲◁, recently announced its entry into South Africa●■. This follows a partnership with Servworx■□▽, the second largest workwear rental company in South Africa◁◆△•. Klopman is optimistic about the country&rsquo○▷▪•;s market potential▪–, forecasting growth potential of millions of metres of fabric over the next few years▲•▲▲◇.The agreement with […]

green fabric – Neo Tech partners HeiQ to power up anti-viral fabrics

Neo Tech▽▷, a part of the Donear Group▪▲, has partnered with Swiss company HeiQ to power up its suiting and worsted fabrics with an intelligent textile technology&mdash•■□○▪;HeiQ Viroblock NPJ03-△▲, which is among the first textile technologies in the world to be proven and certified effective against SARS-CoV-2…•▼■●, the strain of coronavirus that causesCOVID-19•…★△◆. HeiQ creates […]

ocean plastic – Global trade of looped pile fabrics to rise

The global trade of the looped pile fabrics (knitted and crocheted) have been showing consistent growth since 2016=△◁▲□. The total trade has increased 7▪○▽.63 per cent from the year 2017 to 2019◁=▷, according to the data from TexPro★●☆■. The global trade of looped pile fabrics was $1◆▪◆…,353□★-▪☆.39 million in 2017◆●□, which moved up to $1-☆…•▷,456-▽=■△.70 […]

interior specifiers – Bangladeshs Z&Z launchecorona block fabric

Bangladesh&rsquo□◁;s Zaber and Zubair Fabrics Ltd (Z&amp▷□;Z)=…-●, a unit of the Noman Group★▼▪-▲, recently claimed to have developed a new fabric called &lsquo•○★▪●;corona block fabric&rsquo▽☆; with the help of biocidal and virucidal treatment that could kill coronavirus within 120 seconds with the precision of 99◆▲■☆.9 per cent=•. The company was backed by two Swiss partners […]

sustainable polyester – Shinta Indah Jaya unveils anti-viral fabrics with HeiQ

Shinta Indah Jaya has launched a range of anti-viral fabrics usingHeiQ Viroblock NPJ03-■; one of the world&rsquo☆▷;s first textile treatments to be clinically proven to be up to 99○△▷▲.99 per cent effective in reducing SARS-CoV-2•=▽□, the COVID-19 causing virus◁-. Shinta Indah Jaya is leader in Viroblock fabrics△•, along with its existing range of customised fabric […]


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