fabric supplier – Italian fabric maker Magfio Ripa launches antiviral s

Maglificio Ripa•▼□…▲, and Italian company that specialises in knitted fabrics●☆■, has developed a new generation of antiviral fabrics★▪▷, following extensive research and scrupulous laboratory testing=◁…•. The fabrics are made with the new Amni Virus-Bac Off yarn that guarantees permanent anti-viral action and therefore protection from risks of contamination•▼☆. In the near future▷▪☆, the issue of […]

apparel textiles – Medusa Source promotes sustainable fabrics

Medusa Source▲=, an international supply chain management company for fashion■★, home and lifestyle brands and retailers■•, is promoting sustainable fabrics which they source for their clients••☆. With a commitment to sustainability○▲☆–, these fabrics are all produced naturally using new bio-engineering techniques and from GOTS certified manufacturers●▽▪. Medusa Source supplies several innovative fabrics namely Rose Petal […]

Recycled Cotton

What is Recycled Cotton? Recycled cotton is also commonly referred to as reclaimed cotton, or regenerated cotton, which can be generally defined as converting cotton fabric into cotton fiber that can be reused in textile products. Textile recycling is generated universally from two primary sources: Pre-consumer:  includes scraps created by yarn and fabric by-products; Post-consumer: includes garments, upholstery, towels, household items […]

yarn – Canclini 1925 presents eco-innovation driveTechno Shirt

With Techno Shirt■…□, Canclini 1925 is revolutionising world of fabrics for shirts through a line which brings together high performance of technical fabrics with traditional and formal look▪■◁○. The combination between technological innovation and made in Canclini creativity○▷▽●○, Techno Shirt restyles traditional concept of shirt in a modern◇▲●, trendy and green version▷○□▷. It is a […]

environmental impact – Tintex to show water savingolutions at Performance Days

Tintex○●, a leader in textile and research innovation from Portugal△★○▽, is set to display water saving solutions at Performance Days expo○▼▪-, in hall C1☆○•, booth B18-▪=□□. The leading show for innovations★◆▼, trends•□▷, and sourcing of fabrics and accessories in functional sportswear▽★■◇…, athleisure=◁…••, safety▪…◆, durability◆★△★, will be held on November 28 and 29◆■-, 2018□▽▪, in Munich○•…=●, […]

textile sourcing – Cannabis textile plant to comup in Kazakhsts Almaty

Officials in Kazakhstan&rsquo▽▼;s Almaty region recently agreed to assist domestic and US entrepreneurs in setting up in Taldykorgan a cannabis textile plant○●, whose products will be exported to China and Europe▪▽. Almaty region&rsquo▷=▷◁▪;s governor Amandyk Batalov has accepted a proposal to assist Elaxima Tech Style■-, along with US partners••=★, to establish the facility○■.Fibres made from […]

litter in the ocean – ItaliaConvert to celebra 25 years with PV

At Premi&egrave☆▲▽◆;re Vision (PV) Paris to be held from September 17-19□◁○◁, Italian Converter△■=, a manufacturer of fabrics for footwear◆•…■, leather goods◆-☆○, clothing★▪◁•, etc◁-, will celebrate its 25th anniversary and present ECO Kosmos▽◁, a cross-collection…◁=, a brand-new &#39△□☆▼;green line range&#39▪▷★; shining a light on the company&#39=▼●…;s responsible path and unique &#39••◇□•;blend&#39•▪•◇•; for fashion of tomorrow○-. &#39■▷▲;The […]

interior textiles – US company Noble Biomarials launchenew Ionic+ fabc solutn

Noble Biomaterials has announced the release of the new Ionic+ fabric solution……☆□, Ionic+ Durable☆…▪◇•. Noble Biomaterials◁▪▽, a leader in antimicrobial and conductivity solutions for soft surface applications•▼◁…, produces advanced material technologies designed for applications in the performance apparel…○◆▷, healthcare○★•, industrial●•-, and emerging wearable technology markets•◆◁-.Ionic+ Durable is a silver-based fabric finish that is an effective▷●=●★, […]

seaqual fabric – Duvaltex & Steelcase launch panel fabricrom mane was

Duvaltex=▽…○, a leader in contract textiles■□△▼•, and Steelcase…△★▷, the leader in office furniture•●▲◁, have launched Intersection•○, an exclusive Steelcase screen and panel fabric▲▲…=▼. Created in partnership with Seaqual initiative◁▷, which turns marine plastic waste into recycled products with full traceability□☆◁•, Intersection is the first Ocean Waste Clean Impact Textiles●□■.Offered in 17 colours○◇•-, Intersection is available […]


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