rpet fabric – US team develops fabric to automatally cool or insulate

University of Maryland (UMD) researchers have created a fabric that can automatically regulate the amount of heat that passes through it•△☆…◇. When conditions are warm and moist▷▽▼□●, such as those near a sweating body■▷▲□▼, the fabric allows infrared radiation▲●…, i▷▽○.e•■▷◆○.△…◇◇, heat▽☆●…, to pass through-△-•. When conditions turn cooler and drier◁○, the fabric reduces the heat […]

marine waste – Birla Cellulosconducts hub development meet in Bhagalpur

Birla Cellulose hosted a hub development meet at Bhagalpur focusing on growth of the hub through innovations in dress materials-◆▪, saris and stoles with its fabric brand Liva▲◆□▪•. The objective of the meet was to build awareness on emerging trends in women&rsquo-▷★▽☆;s apparel globally and particularly in India-▷▽, changing needs of consumer and growing environmental […]

marine pollution – PrimaLoft unveils PLoft Bioerfornce Fabc

PrimaLoft◆◇◁, a leader in advanced material technology▷△□◆★, has unveiled PrimaLoft Bio Performance Fabric★☆■□, the first 100 per cent recycled○▪▷◇, biodegradable synthetic fabric…◁. This follows the launch of PrimaLoft Bio Insulation◆■-★, also the first technology of its kind▷△. PrimaLoft is targeting fall 2020 for consumer availability of both the biodegradable products•△○.The same 100 per cent recycled■△••, […]

Recycling – Fabric processing hub to come up central Indias Burhanpur

Burhanpur-Khandwa region of central India&rsquo•◆■;s state of Madhya Pradesh will soon have a textile cluster with units for fabric processing☆▼▽, dyeing▷◇▷○, printing and finishing◆▼▷◆◁, and yarn resizing◁△●■▽. The region■=▼□, known for handlooms▼=, is part of MP&rsquo▷▷;s cotton growing area=★★••. The first phase of the proposed textile cluster is likely to be operational within one and […]

environmentally fridly fabric – Vietnamese dim manufacturer Viet Hong eyes $25mn revue in 5 years

Founded at an investment of $12 million in 2005●●■○, Vietnamese denim fabric manufacturer Viet Hong Textile aims to earn sales revenue of $25 million per year in the next five years▲•☆□, according to Quinn Hang★-, vice director of the company◇◆. The company&rsquo•☆▷;s annual turnover dropped to $14●◁.5 million in 2020 from $18◇■.8 million in 2019 […]

brand owner – Linen Club unveils w brand identity logo

Linen Club-☆▼, the premium linen fabric brand from theAditya Birla Group□=●, has launched its new brand identity and logo representing the brand&#39▷●;s passion▪▲=◁, authenticity and expertise in creating the best linen fabric and apparel•◁=★. The inspiration behind Linen Club&#39☆▲▷-;s new brand identity is the amalgamation of European origin and Indian heritage■-. The new logo with […]

chinese fabric manufacturers – Pyratex brics use responsibly-sourced natali

Spain-based Pyrates Smart Fabrics◁□, set up with the goal to find a fashion solution to health and environmental challenges◇△•▼◇, provide the same benefits as synthetic smart fabrics◁=▪○●, but using responsibly-sourced natural fibres=□, which are much more respectful to nature as well as to our skin■▪…. The company offers a combination of functional and natural=■◇◇◁.We have […]

ocean clean-ups – Brento welcomes new huefor nual colour forecast

Brentano has welcomed a host of new versatile hues for its 12th annual colour forecast-◆▲. A delicate dance between rich▽◆◁■, highly saturated tones (Summer Dawn■▪, Spruce)◁▲◁, soft pastels (French Lavender•◁▪, Dusty Rose and Crystal Springs) and warm neutrals (Weathered Oak)▲◇▽▼○, Brentano&rsquo△■-◇▲;s 2020 forecast showcases layers of colour each with its own celebrated characteristics▽△▪●☆. Many of […]

performance fabric – Hyosung displays fabrics at Performance Days

Hyosung TNC participated in &lsquo•◆•▪=;Performance Days&rsquo◇◁•▲;…◁☆-★, a functional fabric fair in Munich•●•, Germany◆=◇, on May 8-9▪•••◇. Under the topic &lsquo◆▼;The Beauty of Function&rsquo▽□;□★●□■, Hyosung displayed fabrics for everyday life with multiple functions for outdoor activities◆•◇, such as giving a cool touch▽-▼○■, blocking UV rays▼▷■•, absorbing and drying sweat quickly and neutralising smell of sweat▽◇•. Hyosung&rsquo★☆;s […]


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