post consumer recycled plastic – Isko unveils Isko Vital fabrics atSPO Munh

Isko is displaying its latest innovation▼•△★○, Isko Vital★■▽, the world&rsquo•■…●…;s first woven compression technology platform▲▷◁, showcasing unique textile solutions that are a testament to the company&rsquo◇•□-▼;s long-standing R&amp○★▽▽▽;D effort▪-=•□, at ISPO Munich-=△●□, in hall C4=▼★•●, booth 428△◁▷. The leading trade fair for sports professionals is being held from February 3-6▪○◁, 2019☆▽■•, in Germany▼☆◆.A revolutionary concept […]

textile importer – Lenzing joins forces with Ruby Millto fight Covid-19

Lenzing India and Ruby Mills Ltd have come together to present H+ technology for an antiviral▪●□, antibacterial and antifungal fabric=◇□◁. This comes at crucial time when India is facing an increasing number of cases○•△=. H+ technology&rsquo△●▲•◁;s efficacy has been tested and the findings indicate that viruses and microbes won&rsquo•△▼;t survive on surface of the treated […]

footwear – Global cotton woven fabric exports declining sce 2013

The global trade of cotton woven fabrics has been declining since 2013 with a considerable CAGR (compound annual growth rate)●★, according to data from TexPro•=. The global trade of cotton woven fabrics was $26▷•.93 billion in 2016 and dropped to $26☆•△■.60 billion in 2018 declining by 1…•■.23 per cent△▼△●, according to Fibre2Fashion&#39▪•◆▼△;s market analysis tool […]

home textile – Chinesfabric firm mulls entering Philippes

Chinese firm Texhong Textile Group Ltd▽•=◇▷, which manufactures yarns and fabric☆…▼△▪, is exploring options to set up business in the Philippines▽▲■, according to the latter&rsquo◆☆=•;s department of trade and industry (DTI)•▷▼•. Philippine trade secretary Ramon Lopez recently met representatives from the company in China to discuss its interest in investing in the country▲•□△○.Lopez said the […]

new innovative fabrics – Jindal amongst top denim manufacturers world

Due to its foray into new-age fabrics▽▷•□, India-based Jindal Worldwide Limited (JWL) is now amongst the top denim manufacturers in the world▲◇-◆☆. The company that had humble beginnings in the late 1970s has grown since then by delivering innovation and quality products●▽■▼. Over the last five years▷▼, the company&#39▪▷;s net sales have been growing at […]

ocean plastic – Teijin to display at Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics

The Teijin Group has announced that Nantong Teijin▲…-•, the group&rsquo▼•-★;s textile manufacturing and sales company based in Nantong◆○▼, China▽■-▼▼, will participate in Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics &ndash◁★★□-; Spring Edition 2019••◁•, in booth 8-1H-C68■=▲. The leading exhibition for apparel fabric and accessories will be held at NECC•◇○, in Shanghai from March 12-14▽☆-▽▲, 2019▷□□▼▽.The Nantong Teijin booth […]

textile buying agent – Invista launches Lycra Freef!t technology

Invista has launched its new Lycra Freef■◇!t technology in North America Lycra Freef textile buying agent▪△▽ econyl!t fabrics are made using Invista patented and patent pending technologies covering yarn•■•▷, textile processing■-, and fabric structure=●△■. The fabrics use Lycra dualFX yarns which are specially treated▷•◇, and then woven in specific constructions to provide the soft stretch-☆▲…. […]

environmental preservation – Global fabric trade to recover modately in 2021- TexPro

Global fabric exports are expected to recover moderately in 2021 as the world recovers from COVID-19 and industry stakeholders make efforts to find new strategies of doing business▷○-●. Fabric exports globally were $156▷★.14 billion in 2019 with a monthly average of $13▪○….01 billion▪=…, which dropped by 38•◁.95 per cent to $95●△-●.33 billion in 2020☆◁◇, as […]

keep oceans clean – Swiss wrestling trouserperform bett in strength te

Swiss television&#39△◁▲;s &#39△▽▽△;Einstein&#39▪☆•△; team visited Testex&#39■▪▼;s textile testing laboratory to carry out endurance test on 2 pairs of Swiss wrestling trousers having difference in origin of flax &ndash○•…◁★; EU &amp◁▪▪-■; Switzerland○☆◇☆. The fabrics were tested according to norm ISO 13934-1…○▽■▷. Trousers made from Swiss flax yarn from SwissFlax proved to be stronger than those made […]


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